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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers


Create the two parts to match the drawings provided. Units are in millimeters

Create the two parts to match the drawings provided. Units are in millimeters  

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Statistics & Analysis

Most people wish to work for 35 to 48 years making a decent wage and then retire comfortably for their later years in life.

• Title: Retirement Planning • Background: Most people wish to work for 35 to 48 years making a decent wage and then retire comfortably for

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Python Programming

The owner of the store wants you to write a program than allows the owner to enter in data about the cell phone

Lab 2 Data input, data processing, and data output. You work at a cell phone store. The owner of the store wants you to write a program than allows

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MS Office

Create a spreadsheet that will itemize the details of the training

Budget for Professional Development for the year 2022:   You have been asked by the owners of the clinic to prepare a budget for the funds you

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Python Programming

Een auto vertrekt vanuit stilstand en kan beschouwd worden als een puntmassa die alleen langs de x-as beweegt. V

1 Auto op zandweg   Een auto vertrekt vanuit stilstand en kan beschouwd worden als een puntmassa die alleen langs de x-as beweegt. Voor de eers

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Display the number of courses with a total revenue more than $20,000, the total enrollment for those courses

Assignment 5 Complete each of the following problems and submit the results in a Word document.  For each problem, there should be a screen shot

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C Programming

A restaurant management system will generate report on daily menu list based on the sales of veg

5. Restaurant management system A restaurant management system will generate report on daily menu list based on the sales of veg and non-veg items du

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Computer Network

Calculate the ELFEXT in Db, given an Attenuation of 3.46 dB and a FEXT of 3.90 dB

1. Calculate the ELFEXT in Db, given an Attenuation of 3.46 dB and a FEXT of 3.90 dB 2. In the following diagram, you can see a problem located at 21

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C Programming

write the students stored in memory to the same file

A student has the following information stored: • Name (char[50]) Neptun-code (char[6]) • Average of grades (float) sum of completed ETC

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This assignment will be presented in class in front of your peers.

Assignment Title: Validation Due Date: Week 11 at the beginning of class Worth: 30 % Learning Outcomes/Description As we end the Design Thinking p

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