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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

MS Office

purpose of this assignment is to give you experience using a range of software productivity tools to address a realistic business task.

Objective and Background: The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience using a range of software productivity tools to address a realisti

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Assignment Writing

Compare Program Segment A and Program Segment B. Which segment program is more efficient?

1. Compare Program Segment A and Program Segment B. Which segment program is more efficient? Justify your answer. (Bandingkan Program Segment A dan P

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C Programming

You will be writing a program to simulate the game of battleship.

Program Description You will be writing a program to simulate the game of battleship. This is a 1-player game. The 5 ships will be randomly placed by

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C Programming

nodejs app created for lambda function to get all aws resource to list

nodejs app created for lambda function to get all aws resource to list  

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C Sharp Programming

Skills to design and build at least one simple application program from a problem scenario and program specification.

  Purpose of the assessment This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s following skills and abilities:  • Skills to

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C++ Programming

Change the given Makefile so that your code compiles into a working binary program that executes the implementations above.

Instructions 1. Download the starter package from Canvas, you are given 2 template files: main.cpp, Makefile, and 3 test objects that you should not

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IT Write Up Assignments

The company\'s overview is very vague and does not contain any details concerning \"perperts\" in what they do or what they deal with

Audience The company's overview is very vague and does not contain any details concerning "perperts" in what they do or what they deal with. Therefor

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C Programming

Write a program that will illustrate the use of a function for computing the square of a number.

Make a program that has a menu like the following: (Design is optional) All menu option should be put in a function. *******************************

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An air receiver is essential to every compressed air system to act as a storage medium

Introduction An air receiver is essential to every compressed air system to act as a storage medium between the air compressor and a consumption syst

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R Programming

you will create a program to find out if a family needs to pay taxes on their yearly income including property,

Final Project: Instructions:  For the final assignment you will create a program to find out if a family needs to pay taxes on their yearly incom

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