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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Java Programming

write a Java class for that object, include public get/set methods as appropriate

write a Java class for that object, include public get/set methods as appropriate ( if the attribute shouldn't change, don't have a set method for it,

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C++ Programming

Setting up the mysql c++ connector in visual studio and ubuntu.

Setting up the mysql c++ connector in visual studio and ubuntu.  

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Computer Science

Scoring in bowling is calculated on a rolling basis and is based on the outcome of each frame.

Bowling Score Card Scoring in bowling is calculated on a rolling basis and is based on the outcome of each frame. In bowling, there are 10 frames. A

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Understand and perform the Purchase-To-Pay process.

Learning Objective: Understand and perform the Purchase-To-Pay process. Scenario: In order to complete the Purchase-To-Pay process, you will take on

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Mechanical Hand Food Press Design

Referred /Deferred design assignment  Individual Submission Title:   Mechanical Hand Food Press Design Brief:  Individually, yo

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Java Programming

create a basic UML class diagram for any class you want, with at least 3 attributes

create a basic UML class diagram for any class you want, with at least 3 attributes and set/get methods for each attribute as appropriate. You can cop

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Python Programming

In this assignment, you will implement Batch Gradient Descent to fit a line into two-dimensional data set.

1 Description In this assignment, you will implement Batch Gradient Descent to fit a line into two-dimensional data set. You will implement a set of

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Computer Science

you must produce the laboratory worksheet and an idealized solution i.e. write a laboratory report for the laboratory

Resit Coursework Instructions Objectives Apparatus Introduction Procedure Reflection For each of the laboratories, you must produce the laboratory w

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R Programming

Using the MyOpenMath generated data, replicate the work done in my examples.

Using the MyOpenMath generated data, replicate the work done in my examples. For the grades data set, call your created variable "Final Average"; it

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Electronics & Electrical Help

if we have a scheduled mouthActionTime in the future

 #include MX1508 bodyMotor(6, 9); // Sets up an MX1508 controlled motor on PWM pins 6 and 9 MX1508 mouthMotor(5, 3); // Sets up an MX1508 control

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