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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Data structures & Algorithms

Creating an ER diagram is an iterative process. Generally, you will begin by defining the major entities

Read through The Homeowners Insurance Company Case. It describes a database that must be constructed for a Homeowner's Insurance Company. There are tw

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Assignment Writing

Craft a narrated PowerPoint presentation assessing the different gender and generational communication patterns.

Instructions Gender, Generation, and Communication In Chapter 9 of the textbook, the author explores gender, generation, and communication. To be an

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Operating System

Write a programming oriented research paper to develop research skills.

Research Paper in Operating Systems A student write a programming oriented research paper that needs software simulation results. A student may work

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Java Programming

public String getCarDescription(): an accessor method for car description, returns carDescription

1. Class: Car -       public String getCarDescription():  an accessor method for car description, returns carDescription -

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write a research project proposal (1 page) on operating systems including a specific title

Assignment Goal: each student will master how to write a research proposal that is the first step of a research project including (1) investigating li

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IT Write Up Assignments

You are a technical consultant at a leading Internet Service Provider that caters to domestic customers as well as small and large businesses

Assignment Task You are a technical consultant at a leading Internet Service Provider that caters to domestic customers as well as small and large bu

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Students will be able to critical appraise where and how computer simulation

LEARNING OUTCOMES ADDRESSED BY THIS COMPONENT: LO1: Students will be able to critical appraise where and how computer simulation (i.e. discreet event

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C Programming

project that utilizes Arduino Code to control a small LCD screen. When i run it it does mot work. Can you please help me find error in code?

 project that utilizes Arduino Code to control a small LCD screen. When i run it it does mot work. Can you please help me find error in code? &n

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Software Engineering

Using the code editor to your left, your task is to implement a solver for the Boggle game

1. Assignment #1 Using the code editor to your left, your task is to implement a solver for the Boggle game. Given a valid grid of letters and an arb

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C++ Programming

In this assignment you will create a C++ library that has a class SimulatedOS. Y

In this assignment you will create a C++ library that has a class SimulatedOS. Your library should contain a header file SimulatedOS.h that I will inc

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