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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Assembly Programming

This will be the fourth assignment using ARMv7 assembly language in the VisUAL emulator. 0

This will be the fourth assignment using ARMv7 assembly language in the VisUAL emulator. 0 When we write a program to display graphics, we often need

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Data structures & Algorithms

In this project, we put a constraint on the number of comparisons that can be made for each of the sorting algorithms.

You are going to be exploring two sorting algorithms – Shell sort and Bubble sort; and how the concept of approximate sorting works along with

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Assembly Programming

Write the content of al register, after executing each instruction. Show the computation.

Assume that currently overflow flag, OF = 0, carry flag, CF = 0, zero flag, ZF = 1, and sign flag, SF = 1. Now consider the following code segment.

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Computer Network

goal of this assignment is to introduce Floating Point operations in MIPS

Goal The goal of this assignment is to introduce Floating Point operations in MIPS. Background Newton devised a method to aproximate a root of an e

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Create a functional Virtual Reality Interactive Application for a selected industry

Introduction: The convergence of physical and virtual reality is taking place. Modern societies are spending more and more time “living”

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Computer Science

finally get to combine what you\'ve learned over the course to create a reasonably well- featured website.

The time has come! You finally get to combine what you've learned over the course to create a reasonably well- featured website. Revisiting A1, the pr

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C++ Programming

Write a function that prompts the user for the name of a file to output as a text file that will hold a two dimensional array of the long double data type

Write a menu based program implementing the following functions: (1) Write a function that prompts the user for the name of a file to output as a tex

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C Programming

Given the number of animals and the required distance pairs of certain animals, write a program that prints a satisfying solution or informs the user that there is none if a solution does not exist.

Story The animals are still making too much noise. Some animals antagonize nearby animals and cause them to emit screams of rage or cries of annoyanc

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Mathematics & Discrete

Give the description of Simulated Annealing function optimisation method for minimising continuous functions.

For the function 𝑓(𝑥𝑖) = ∑𝑛 −𝑥𝑖 sin √𝑥𝑖 defined in the region 𝑥𝑖 < 1000, 𝑖 = 1. . 𝑛 :  

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C Programming

Your task is to develop a small program while maintaining your development history with Apache Subversion

1 Task Your task is to develop a small program while maintaining your development history with Apache Subversion (svn Please make sure to use direct

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