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write a MapReduce program which undertakes an interesting new analysis of the data. Compare the performance of your program using different size clusters.

Big Data Processing Assignment Aim: design, implement, critically analyze and report on a substantial big data project. Requirements: Using a big p

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C Sharp Programming

This assignment is meant to get you acquainted with the model creation through code. You will explore how to manipulate vertices, UVs, normals and indices to create simplistic models procedurally

Assignment Goals: This assignment is meant to get you acquainted with the model creation through code. You will explore how to manipulate vertices, UV

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Python Programming

In this homework, you will investigate restaurant food safety scores for restaurants in San Fran- cisco and sample score card for a restaurant.

1.1 Cleaning and Exploring Data with Panda 1.2 This assignment In this homework, you will investigate restaurant food safety scores for restaurants in

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you will implement one additional method to handle another minor along with corresponding white box tests in an additional method in the testing class.

We wrestled several years ago with bugs in the coding and probable lack of testing for the DegreeWorks audits for minors, so I decided this might make

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C Programming

 Write down the 8 character string "Columbia" as eight bytes of binary using the ASCII encoding scheme

1.  (10 points) What is the minimum number bits required to express cell addresses for each of the following memory sizes? a. 1 million byt

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Software Engineering

Source code for unit testing is created to think like scientific calculator. Unit testing allows the programmer to refactor code at a later date, and make sure the module still works correctly.

Software Testing Prof. Othoniel Rodriguez Introduction Unit Testing validates that each unit of the software performs as designed. A unit is the small

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Data structures & Algorithms

This project will be built using a number of classes representing the component pieces of the project. Here we provide a description of these classes.

Basic Procedures Project 2: Syeda Fill out a txt file with your information (goes in your user folder, an example is provided) Have a style

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Data structures & Algorithms

in this problem, we will use divide-and-conquer to write a program that computes the zeros of a given cubic equation.

Data Structures and Algorithms Programming Answer the below questions. You may use whatever IDEs / text editors you like, but you must submit your re

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C Programming

this programming assignment is to familiarize you with network programming in the environment to be used in the class and to acquaint you with the procedure for handing in machine problems.

Programming Assignment 1: HTTP Client The purpose of this programming assignment is to familiarize you with network programming in the environment to

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Java Programming

Order only one item from the menu and generate an invoice for your order the total amount of the invoice should include the menu item charge, 5% tax and, tip.

Introduction to Computer Programming Assignment - 3  ( 4%) Upload a Java file for the following problem: File Name: Order.java Class Name: Or

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