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C Programming

Provide an introduction to computer graphics drawing algorithms and two-dimensional and three-dimensional display techniques.

Undergraduate Course Syllabus Computational Graphics and Visualization Course Description Provide an introduction to computer graphics drawing algorit

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Python Programming

Write a recursive function–def humanPyramid(row, column):–that takes as input the row and column number of a person in a human pyramid, then returns the total weight on that person's back.

 Python ProgrammingAssignment 0402: Human Pyramid A human pyramid is a way of stacking people vertically in a triangle. With the exception of th

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C++ Programming

Write a program that can be used to calculate the federal tax. The tax is calculated as follows for single people, the standard exemption is $4,000

PROGRAM 1: Write a program that can be used to calculate the federal tax. The tax is calculated as follows: For single people, the standard exemption

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Data structures & Algorithms

Implementation of UnboundedInt class will contain at least three instance variables the number of Nodes, Link to front of list, Link to back of the list

 Programming Assignment #2       It is recommended that a pair of students do this project together, although working alone i

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Python Programming

Factoring of integers. Write a program that asks the user for an integer and then prints out all its factors. For example, when the user enters 150, the program should print.

(20 points) Factoring of integers. Write a program that asks the user for an integer and then prints out all its factors. For example, when the user

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Python Programming

Implement the EM algorithm for fitting a Gaussian mixture model for the MNIST dataset. We reduce the dataset to be only two cases

Implementing EM algorithm for MNIST dataset. Implement the EM algorithm for fitting a Gaussian mixture model for the MNIST dataset. We reduce the dat

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C++ Programming

You are working in a doctors’ office and have been tasked with creating an application to maintain Patient records for each doctor in the office. 

Instructions: The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate composition in object-oriented programming.  Do not try to implement this progr

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Raptor Programming

Design a program that will need a file of employee records containing employee number, employee name, hourly pay rate, and regular hours worked, and overtime hours worked.

Design a program that will need a file of employee records containing employee number, employee name, hourly pay rate, and regular hours worked, a

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Visual Studio Programming

Create a new solution/project to display a greeting. Call it Greetings,set the form Text property to “Greetings”.

Create a Greeting Application   Create a new solution/project to display a greeting. Call it Greetings   Set the form Text propert

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C Programming

purpose of this lab is to learn about thread synchronization in Unix-based OS. Due to the difficulty of debugging concurrent programs

 Operating Systems  Thread Synchronization in UNIX Section 1. Exercises in Lab 3 There are three exercises in this lab. The purpose of this

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