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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Python Programming

Create a symbolic link to your script as ccn.py so that you can refer to your script as ccn.py. Your script must accept one or more "web site" as its command line parameters and other optional parameters

InstructionProgram Name and valid command line argumentsName your Python3 script as ccn_[student_id].py. Create a symbolic link to your script as ccn.

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Create a task assignment plan to minimize the total cost of energy under timing constraint a. Produce an energy mapping table showing the minimum energy level at each timing constraint.

CISC 699 Applied Project - Homework 1 Requirement Please illustrate the four different research processes in your own Please don’t copy an

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The goal in this lab will be to setup and get familiar with a program that mimics an Arduino Uno. The software is only runnable on Windows, so users of Mac and Linux will need to download a Windows 7 virtual machine

The goal in this lab will be to setup and get familiar with a program that mimics an Arduino Uno. The software is only runnable on Windows, so users o

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C++ Programming

Write a program that will read a paragraph into an array. Each word should then be stored in a pointer array. Punctuation characters should be ignored.

Write a program that will read a paragraph into an array. Each word should then be stored in a pointer array. Punctuation characters should be ignored

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Statistics & Analysis

The managers at Superstore are interested in monitoring the total profits that they made in the various categories of products they have sold so far broken down by the customer segments in which they sold their products.

IS 335 – Spring 2020 – Kishore Tableau Assignment #1 (Chapters 1 and 2) Note: Please use the “Superstore.xlsx” data file tha

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Python Programming

distance between two coordinates (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2) in 3 dimension via python script

I want to plot/show/visualize the distance between two coordinates (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2) in 3 dimension via python script.Also, I need to label/

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Computer Network

With a single bit parityscheme, withevenparity, which bit string would be correct?

With a single bit parityscheme, with evenparity, which bit string would be correct? 1110101011 0110101011 0110001011 0110101010

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Computer Network

The RIP routing protocol uses the distance vector algorithm. to prevent the count to infinity problem, what is the maximum hop count?

What is an AS (Autonomous System) all of the routers which can configure themselves. a set of routers that can control other routers. a group

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Computer Science

client-server system for a hypothetical banking application, the clients are ATM machines, and the server is the bank server.

Question#1: (4 points) In a client-server system for a hypothetical banking application, the clients are ATM machines, and the server is the bank ser

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Java Programming

Modify this project Network.java Use a graph to track friend relationships among members of the network

Modify this project Network.javaUse a graph to track friend relationships among members of the network. Add a feature to enable people to see a l

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