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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

C Programming

explanation of the game design and code strategies used to create a clean and bug free interactive implementation.

Report This is a 1,000-word (+- 10%) report.  The below word limits are suggested if the report in its entirety is 1,000-words Literature must

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Java Programming

In this group assignment we are supposed to choose and develop a website prototype of our interest

Introduction In this group assignment we are supposed to choose and develop a website prototype of our interest. This is just the project plan so; we

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Python Programming

Write a program to generate timetable for CKT UTAS

    1. Write a program to generate timetable for CKT UTAS The program should consider the size of the class for a course, the lecture hal

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Computer Science

we explored several aspects of the generalisation bound.

Section 1: Generalisation and Data Noise (50 Total Points) In the lectures, we explored several aspects of the generalisation bound. One simple varia

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Computer Science

These questions involve the java based Processing language, used for visual design.

These questions involve the java based Processing language, used for visual design. Examine the attached java based Processing code that fires 3 "bul

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C++ Programming

You are organizing a banquet for you and your friends.

You are organizing a banquet for you and your friends. You want to know which choice of food and beverage for each guest so you can plan the banquet.

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Python Programming

This assignment tests your understanding of and ability to apply the programming concepts we have covered throughout the unit.

Background Information This assignment tests your understanding of and ability to apply the programming concepts we have covered throughout the unit.

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MS Office

short list of some possible project ideas. You can choose anything you like from sports, the arts, pop culture.

Your project Must include: A Powerpoint Summary:      Cover page - Topic, Date, Authors.      Summary page: A narrati

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Python Programming

Your studies will be governed by the BCU Academic Regulations on Assessment, Progression and Awards.

IMPORTANT STATEMENTS   Standard Postgraduate Regulations   Your studies will be governed by the BCU Academic Regulations on Assessment,

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C Programming

Form groups of strictly two members. If you are having trouble finding a partner, post on Piazza.

Final Project: A Game of UNO 1 Administrative Details - Read Twice 1.1 Groups Form groups of strictly two members. If you are having trouble findin

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