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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Assembly Programming

Write a program that asks the user to guess the next roll of a six sided die.

Write a program that asks the user to guess the next roll of a six sided die. Each guess costs $ 1. If they guess correctly, they get $ 10.00. The pla

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Computer Network

What is Wireshark and why it is important to IT security?

The following instructions were not meant to be comprehensive. Additional steps will be discussed in class. Students may need to perform additional st

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C++ Programming

ou will write a program that generates random mazes and finds a path in there from a beginning

This week, you will write a program that generates random mazes and finds a path in there from a beginning to an end position, and then prints the maz

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PPM frame period duration is not critical and depends on RC Transmitter type & Manufacturer.

HARDWARE ================================   Arduino MEGA 2560 (will not work with other Arduino's)   LRS Tx module (Thomas Scherrer's sys

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C++ Programming

The purpose of this milestone is to implement the core of the logical resolution process used to answer queries: the unification algorithm.

Details The purpose of this milestone is to implement the core of the logical resolution process used to answer queries: the unification algorithm.

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Python Programming

Write a program that takes a person’s details (name, age and a city), and writes to a file (persons.txt) using a loop repeatedly.

All the problems listed below must be solved by writing a pseudocode and by writing program code with documentation (using comments). Each problem is

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C++ Programming

write a code using NTPclient where every two minutes tempertaure and moisture is measured after 10 readings

write a code using NTPclient where every two minutes tempertaure and moisture is measured after 10 readings if all the readings are above 30*c (any de

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Matlab & Mathematica

define a basis for RN . How do you write this basis in matrix form?

Q1 Bases for N-Dimensional Vectors 10 Points  Assume we consider all  signals of length N , use δ(n) to  define a basis for

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Statistics & Analysis

Exploring Tree-Based Regression Methods for 3D Sinusoidal Datavisualize model

Exploring Tree-Based Regression Methods for 3D Sinusoidal Data visualize model predictions for the optimal Gradient-Boosted Regression Tree, a Random

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C++ Programming

C++ program a similar sparse vector class with * operator

C++ program a similar sparse vector class with * operator, such as Vector Vector::operator * (Vector& param) A multiplication (*) operators return

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