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Search Results For matlab

C++ Programming

Design the Hebb function to calculate the weights for a given input/output mapping using the Hebb rule in Matlab using m-language or in C++

CMPG-765/CMPT- 465 Neural Networks and Learning Systems Homework-1 Design the Hebb function to calculate the weights for a given input/output mappin

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Matlab & Mathematica

In this assignment, we will focus on understanding convolution and how to use it to design and analyze systems.

 Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Lab 2: Convolution, Correlation, and Finding Signals Files necessary to compute this assignment: rudenko 01.

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Matlab & Mathematica

Consider the equilibrium structure of a rotating, self-gravitating, isothermal gas cloud. Such an object obeys the partial differential equations.

Consider the equilibrium structure of a rotating, self-gravitating, isothermal gas cloud. Such an object obeys the partial differential equations: whe

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Matlab & Mathematica

Secure communication is millennia old, and new methods and cyphers are always being developed as increasing communication is done over the internet

Engineering 102 Project two – Encryption with photos   Secure communication is millennia old, and new methods and cyphers are always being

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Matlab & Mathematica

Find the critical numbers.and Find the interval(s) where the function, f(x) , is increasing and the interval(s) where it is decreasing.

  1)  Let f ( x ) = x4/2- 2x3/3- 2x2 + 3 a) Find the derivative.b) Find the critical numbers.    2)  Giventhat :  &

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Matlab & Mathematica

In this project, LG mobile phones were used to extract data from thirty (30) participants the mobile phone sensors that were used included gyroscope, accelerometer, linear accelerometer

Abstract The mobile phone has become a method used by most people daily to store and process private and sensitive information. To secure information

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Matlab & Mathematica

Development of Human Body Model for the Dynamic Analysis of Footbridges under Pedestrian Induced Excitation

Development of Human Body Model for the Dynamic Analysis of Footbridges under Pedestrian Induced Excitation Abstract Human-induced excitations are the

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Matlab & Mathematica

You must design and implement a cooperative Simultaneous localization and mapping for multiple UAVs in the simulation environment.

Coursework -3 Brief Task Description You must design and implement a cooperative Simultaneous localization and mapping for multiple UAVs in the si

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Matlab & Mathematica

Solve the following initial/boundary value problem using your data set values. The reservoir length is 400 ft. The initial condition is p(x, 0)  1000 psi

Numerical & Computational Methods in Petroleum Engineering Coursework: Description   This coursework assessment is 40% of the total Numerical

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shell/program for high-school students to solve questions involving matrices. It will be a MATLAB like tool although extremely limited in its capability and scope.

Description:                 MatShell: A shell/program for high-school students to solve questions involving m

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