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Search Results For Python

Python Programming

classic sudoku, the objective is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with digits so that each column

Introduction In classic sudoku, the objective is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 ×

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Computer Network

how to create a socket, bind it to a specific address and port, as well as send and receive a HTTP packet

Socket Programming Assignment 1: Web Server In this lab, you will learn the basics of socket programming for TCP connections in Python: how to create

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Python Programming

Estimate the average difference in earnings and employment status between graduates with an economics degree

Objective: Estimate the average difference in earnings and employment status between graduates with an economics degree and graduates with another soc

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Python Programming

write a program that manages a dictionary of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ\'s).

The Dictionary is a very powerful data structure. The objective of this programming assignment is to demonstrate proficiency with dictionaries. You ar

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Python Programming

solve a 3*3 puzzle using AI.The assignment is to add the A star function to the given example

You are given the code necessary for solving simple slide puzzles, except for the general A* function. (a) Your job is to fill in the body of the a_s

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IT Write Up Assignments

single research project in an area of applied AI (written up in the form of a 3,000 word report)

Description: The assessment for this module will consist of two components: (a) a single research project in an area of applied AI (written up in the

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Python Programming

add a code which is like for every 10 points collected in the game the player

Game code add a code which is like for every 10 points collected in the game the player will gain 1 life. and a text that will show up temporarily wh

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Python Programming

This is a project for the 12 gods and goddesses of ancient Greece

This is a project for the 12 gods and goddesses of ancient Greece. It is a chatbot that uses AIML for patternbased conversation and tf/idf for similar

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Python Programming

The model provided implicitly assumes that all individ- uals are potentially in contact

[Very tough question]: The model provided implicitly assumes that all individ- uals are potentially in contact with each other. What would be a more l

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Python Programming

Suppose the following dataset is about the properties of 14 people where the attribute

Task 1 Using the following dataset, create a decision tree using the entropy. Suppose the following dataset is about the properties of 14 people whe

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