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Suppose the following dataset is about the properties of 14 people where the attribute


Task 1

Using the following dataset, create a decision tree using the entropy.

Suppose the following dataset is about the properties of 14 people where the attribute “Default” shows whether a person will default on their credit card. The attribute “Default” is the dependent attribute with two values (default = 'yes', default = 'no'). Each person has 4 features, and you want to find out how these features are going to help whether a person will default on their credit card.

a) Which one of these features is the most important feature?

b) What is the best Information Gain (IG)?




Age Income Student Credit_rate Default

0 youth high no fair no

1 youth high no excellent no

2 middle_age high no fair yes

3 senior medium no fair yes

4 senior low yes fair yes

5 senior   low yes excellent no

6 middle_age low yes excellent yes

7 youth   medium no fair no

8 youth   low yes fair yes

9 senior medium yes fair yes 10

11 middle_age medium

12 middle_age high yes

13 senior medium youth medium yes excellent yes no excellent yes fair yes

no excellent no


Task 2 (30 Marks)

Using the hand gestures dataset available, create a hand gesture recognition app in Python. Apply at least three classifiers and compare their performance. Save your Anaconda/Google Colab Notebook in this format:



Document your code and give full explanation about what each block of code does.





(60 marks)



Your Learning - 400 words

(10 marks)



You should create a pdf file with task 1 and your overall learning from this assignment mentioned in it.


Your codes should be in a zip folder. It should be submitted separately.






Zipped folder should be named as – Firstname_Surname.zip



Assessment Criteria


Each part will be graded according to the following criteria:


1. Quality of code (correctness and completeness) [Weightage – 40%]


2. Quality of documentation of code (explanation of each part of code and interpretation of results) [Weightage – 60%]


Note: Your work must not be copied. In case of any evidence of copying you will get 0 marks.


General Requirements for Students:



1. A proportion of assessment marks is allocated to presentation. All assignments must be word- processed, with word count noted unless otherwise stated by the lecturer.

2. Where a hardcopy submission is required, an Assignment Submission Form must be securely attached to each submission.

3. All assignments must be submitted no later than the stated deadline.

o Assignments  submitted after the latest deadline (date and time) specified, including any extension, are deemed to be ‘late’ and are penalised.

4. All relevant provisions of the Assessment Regulations must be complied with.

5. Students are required to retain a copy of each assignment submitted, and the submission receipt (If a physical submission is required) until the issuing of a transcript indicating the mark awarded.

6. Assignments must be appropriately packaged and presented.

7. Where a submission involves digital media, it is the submitting students’ responsibility to ensure the media is appropriately labelled, fully working and they must retain a copy.

8. Assignments that breach the word count requirements will be penalised. There is a 10% discretion, either way, applicable in terms of word count.

9. Students are required to refer to the assessment regulations in their Student Guides and on the Student Website.

10. University penalises students who engage in academic impropriety (i.e. plagiarism, collusion and/or copying).

11. In relation to electronic submissions:

A. All assignments should be submitted to your subject/course page on Moodle by the deadline date.

B. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their file is uploaded correctly.

C. When an assignment is submitted, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the file is in the correct format and opens correctly.

D. When you submit your assignment you will be asked to click on a button which will declare the following:



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