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C Programming

Create a Sorted List abstract data type and Functions to be implemented

Advanced Linked Lists typedef structNODE{ value_tvalue; key_tkey; struct NODE* next; struct NODE* sort; } Node; In this linked list: The dat

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C++ Programming

Write a menu-driven program that will demonstrate the use of Binary Search Trees. The key field in each node is to be a two-character string.

Write a menu-driven program that will demonstrate the use of Binary Search Trees. The key field in each node is to be a two-character string. Your pr

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C++ Programming

Write a program which, given the number of the card, creates a string consisting of the actual card.

program will shuffle a deck of cards, deal hands to two players, accept requests from the two players to exchange cards, and finally report the winner

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Java Programming

Explain the advantage and disadvantage if any of the program in the particular manner having the below public Classes and interface? Or could any of the class be defined as private

1. Explain the advantage and disadvantage if any  of the program in the particular manner having the below public Classes and interface? Or could

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Python Programming

Implement the PageRank algorithm in Python with alpha sing the PageRank algorithm, find the top15 popular airports using this data

Question 1: Page rankPageRank is the basis of Google’s ranking of web pages in search results. Given a directed graph where pages are nodes and

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Java Programming

For this project, you will develop a Java program that will act as an RPN reverse polish notation calculator

PRELIMINARIES: You need to learn about top-down design and Stacks to do this assignment properly. THE ASSIGNMENT: For this project, you will develop a

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Assembly Programming

Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture The objective of this lab is to practice: ARM data definition directives ARM assembly pseu

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Java Programming

snake game is played on a rectangular grid on a rectangular board.

1.     Purpose To gain experience with Java and Java Arrays and two-dimensional reading input from a Algorithm design and m

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Python Programming

doctest is provided as an example of code functionality. Getting the same result as the doctest does not guarantee full credit

Read the instructions carefully before starting the assignment. Make sure your code follows the stated guidelines to ensure full credit for your work.

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Python Programming

Intelligent crossing roads in the new era of the Internet of Things and autonomous cars a change in the control of crossing roads is expected

Intelligent Crossing Roads In the new era of the Internet of Things (IOT) and autonomous cars (AC), a change in the control of crossing roads is expe

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