Title Programmer Calculator Type This project is to be conducted in a group of MAXIMUM SIX (6) students. You are STRICTLY to choose your group membe
View More..Create a database with your last name and the last two digit of your student number. (Example, your last name is Green and your student number
View More..Part-2 of Summative assessment Task-2: Answer for all tasks of Part-2 should be put together in a single document including all necessary diagrams an
View More..Deep Learning-Based heart disease prediction system .Novel method is required to implemet the framework of heart disease prediction system
View More..Heart disease prediction system using novel deep learning models
View More..Assignment 1 - Landscaping Assignment You are asked write a computer program for a landscaping company. They own a thousand-acre pine f
View More..the student IDs and the scores they achieve for the four course evaluation components, i.e. homework, discussion, midterm and exam. The student ID and
View More..Algorithm: Algorithms on Titanic Data 1 Description In this assignment, you will write algorithms to address three questions on Titanic data. Additi
View More..What you must do Program Description Write and test a MASM program to perform the following tasks (check the Requirements section for specifics on p
View More..Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount $user = whoami $user = $user.Split("\")[1] $now = Get-Date $file_path = "C:\Users\{0}\OneDrive - Management Controls, In
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