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Computer Science

Scenario Analyzing Windows Malware you got a malware sample from the wild. Your task is to discover what the malware does by analyzing it

Malware Analysis Agenda• Part 1: Analyzing Windows Malware• Part 2: Analyzing Android MalwareScenario• Analyzing Windows Malware•

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Python Programming

Assignments are to be completed individually or in a group with one other student. If you are completing the assignment in a group, clearly specify your teammate at the top of your code in the space provided.

Academic Honesty Policy:Assignments are to be completed individually or in a group with one other student. If you are completing the assignment in a g

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Data structures & Algorithms

Implement Singly Linked List detectLoop which check whether the linked list contains a It’s an instance method that takes no parameter. It returns true if the linked list contains a loop

Implement Singly Linked List detectLoop which check whether the linked list contains a It’s an instance method that takes no parameter. It

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Data structures & Algorithms

Let T 1 (n) be the total number of times that x = x + 1 executes the routine FindMyCompexity1 () and T 2 (n) the total number of times the command x = x + 1 is executed

Exercise 1 [20 points]Let T 1 (n) be the total number of times that x = x + 1 executes the routineFindMyCompexity1 () and T 2 (n) the total number of

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Data structures & Algorithms

Suppose a sorting algorithm takes 4 seconds to sort 100 items. How much time in seconds will the same algorithm take to sort 300 items if the number of operations the algorithm performs is exactly n2.

(20 points)   Suppose a sorting algorithm takes 4 seconds to sort 100 items. How much time in seconds will the same algorithm take to sor

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Computer Science

The  main keywords are still not in top 10 rank. You know things of working; I mean the procedure of working has changed a lot.

The  main keywords are still not in top 10 rank. You know things of working; I mean the procedure of working has changed a lot. So I would like t

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Python source files (upload .zip file in case of multiple files) containing your code only (no test data needed) and ReadMe.txt file (template provided) describing how to run your code.

ASSIGNMENT Submission:   Source Code: Python source files (upload .zip file in case of multiple files) containing your code only (no test

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Data structures & Algorithms

Lift Control CourseworkAlmost every building in the world with 4+ floors has a lift system but few of us stop to think about the workings of this system.

Lift Control Coursework   Introduction Almost every building in the world with 4+ floors has a lift system but few of us stop to think about t

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C++ Programming

Plan and code a program utilizing one or more repetition structures to solve the following problem: After caffeine is absorbed into the body, 13% is eliminated from the body each hour.

Plan and code a program utilizing one or more repetition structures to solve the following problem: After caffeine is absorbed into the body, 13% is e

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C Programming

new class, “PassFailCourse.java”, should be added to store information related to a Pass/Fail course. This new PassFailCourse should be a subclass of Course and should be stored inside package catalog.

B.1  Task2: Pass/Fail Courses A new class, “PassFailCourse.java”, should be added to store information related to a Pass/Fail course.

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