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Python Programming

You will write a program to implement a hectic morning of getting to class for credit your program must consist of three class

Assignment Overview  This assignment will give you more experience with writing classes You will write four classes that implement a hectic morni

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Assignment Writing

Demonstrating the Need for Effective Business Ethics an alternative approach 

Demonstrating the Need for Effective Business Ethics: An Alternative Approach  JASON CHILDS ABSTRACT  Since the financial crisis, the malfea

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C++ Programming

Demonstrate more advanced expertise in Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation (DMA) & Object­Oriented Programming Demonstrate the ability to properly format text and numeric output from C++ programs

Unit 1: Text Manipulation and Output Formatting Description: Reading Assignments: Deitel, P. & Deitel, H., Chapters 3, 7 and 21 Unit 1 - Discussio

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C Programming

linear regression (LR) is used to find a relationship between two types of data you could use LR to find the relationship between glucose intake and heart rate.

Assessment overview This portfolio is split up into 4 separate tasks which will test your knowledge of mathematics, C programming and concurrency. Ea

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Java Programming

Design a GUI for an online store that allows customers to design a custom-made pizza, and enter their Visa credit-card number to place the order.

Design a GUI for an online store that allows customers to design a custom-made pizza, and enter their Visa credit-card number to place the order. The

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Computer Science

Write a drawGame() function that will draw the canvas, similar to the one shown at right. You are responsible for drawing the ball and paddles

Part 1: Programming Hand in one pde file for the highest question completed. Name your program using your last name, assignment number, and the highes

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Python Programming

Write a python program to input student marks and print PASS or FAIL. A student is passed if he/she got more than or equal to 50 marks.

 If -else in Python  if(condition):       else:       For example: a) Write a python program to input

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C++ Programming

Create a class that includes a data member that holds a “serial number” for each object created from the class. That is, the first object created will be numbered 1, the second 2,

Instructions: Please read the below instruction before attempting the exam questions. The exam is an open book. Students can get help from books an

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C Sharp Programming

Write pseudocode while loop to sum all the values between 2 integers (A & B, input by the user), including A and B, and print the resulting sum. A must be less than B, otherwise print 0.

ill be working on a extra credit quiz. i need help solving 5 problems. C# with pseudocode. ive attached questions that are similar   Q1 (25 pts):

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Computer Network

Select one of the seven network problems and develop a troubleshooting and tool report

Please review work instruction. Select one of the seven network problems and develop a troubleshooting and tool report that details the solution. .

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