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Search Results For perl

Operating System

write our own simple implementation of systemd that we will call app-sitter. app-sitter will take a list of programs to run (with the necessary arguments) from the command line,

when linux starts up, it runs init. Nowadays this is a program called systemd. this program makes sure that things start up properly and stay running.

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C Sharp Programming

This assignment is meant to get you acquainted with the model creation through code. You will explore how to manipulate vertices, UVs, normals and indices to create simplistic models procedurally

Assignment Goals: This assignment is meant to get you acquainted with the model creation through code. You will explore how to manipulate vertices, UV

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C Programming

To implement and test a C program using system calls for files and directories find the popular UNIX command that traverses a file hierarchy

To implement and test a C program using system calls for files and directories. Description Find is a popular UNIX command that traverses a file hie

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Java Programming

how to implement a Monte Carlo simulation using die rolls the concepts covered in this lab are for loops, file input, and randomness.

Purpose: The lab this week will focus on learning how to implement a Monte Carlo simulation using die rolls. The concepts covered in this lab are for

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Software Engineering

Source code for unit testing is created to think like scientific calculator. Unit testing allows the programmer to refactor code at a later date, and make sure the module still works correctly.

Software Testing Prof. Othoniel Rodriguez Introduction Unit Testing validates that each unit of the software performs as designed. A unit is the small

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C++ Programming

i this program which runs best on Linux, can help you find both pointer errors and memory leaks. You will find this freely-available tool indispensable on all programming projects involving C or C++.

This lab is going to introduce a critically important tool when programming in C or C++: valgrind. This program, which runs best on Linux, can help yo

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C Sharp Programming

Determine the most appropriate C# controls to use to accomplish the requirements of the program. Write code to accept input from the user, perform calculations, and convey output to the user.

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Observe professional programming style guidelines (e.g., comments, indentation, ). Determine the most appropriate C# c

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Python Programming

This assignment will give you practice with posing AI problems as search and an opportunity to dust off your coding skills.

Searching and Python This assignment will give you practice with posing AI problems as search and an opportunity to dust off your coding skills. Becau

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Android Programming

The aim of this task is for you to demonstrate how more complicated UI elements can be used.

Developing apps using UI elements  AIM The aim of this task is for you to demonstrate how more complicated UI elements can be used. TASKS 1. 

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Java Programming

Which of the following is NOT a primitive data type in Java?  Which of the following lines declares a constant holding the value 42 in Java?

SECTION A  Answers for this section must be written on the multiple-choice answer sheet (machine-readable form).  Question 1 [2%]  Whic

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