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Search Results For javascript

Computer Network

Capture a live video feed of 720p resolution at 30 fps from the device camera

Group Work This assignment can be solved in groups with a maximum of two students. Under no circumstances should you solve it in a group and then sub

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C Programming

Have you ever noticed that the most exciting part of any contemporary thriller is often the tense attempt to crack a complex encryption key or hack into a computer system?

Have you ever noticed that the most exciting part of any contemporary thriller is often the tense attempt to crack a complex encryption key or hack in

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JavaScript code defines a constructor function for a Student class

The JavaScript code defines a constructor function for a Student class. Add a Course constructor function that takes a title as a parameter. The Cours

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Computer Science

For this assignment, you will write a color display application in HTML and JavaScript. Submit your work as a single,

Assignment For this assignment, you will write a color display application in HTML and JavaScript. Submit your work as a single, zipped HTML file. In

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Java Programming

Create a simple HTML web page and form for a auto loan calculator.

Purpose: Become familiar with JavaScript syntax, data types, and control structures. Additionally, increase experience with basic HTML. Points: 100

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Visual Studio Programming

Elon Musk needs tools to help the first Mars colonists travel to the surface of Mars.

JavaScript in Space. Elon Musk needs tools to help the first Mars colonists travel to the surface of Mars.   Elon Musk is the founder and CEO

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Computer Science

Website that enables the user to play a game.

Key Points • Website that enables the user to play a game. • The user plays the game alone or against the computer. • If the user pl

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Computer Science

What are your changes to the malURL.htm file? What are your verification results? Explain this XSS attack.

1. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack   1.1. Host the XSS Web application on your Apache Web server by (1) Copy “XSS.tar.gz” to you

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Visual Studio Programming

Using Angular and the provided starter code, build an application that mimics an e-commerce shopping cart checkout.

Problem Description Using Angular and the provided starter code, build an application that mimics an e-commerce shopping cart checkout. You are not p

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Computer Science

Creating a Yahtzee game in HTML and Javascript

Creating a Yahtzee game in HTML and Javascript  

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