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Website that enables the user to play a game.


Key Points

Website that enables the user to play a game.

The user plays the game alone or against the computer.

If the user plays against the computer, there are no extra marks for sophisticated artificial intelligence: simple random choices are fine.

The website must be implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

You will not lose marks if you use PHP in your resit coursework, but it is not a requirement.

Zero marks will be awarded for a game that is copied from the Internet.

Users can register with the website and login.

The website has a page that displays the top scores of all registered users.

User data and scores are stored in JSON format using HTML local storage. No marks will be given for storage in files or server-side storage with PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, etc.

Cross-browser compatibility is not required – you only need to demonstrate your game on a single browser.

You are welcome to use third party libraries, such as jQuery, Bootstrap or a JavaScript game engine. You should check with the module leader if a third party library is used for a substantial amount of the functionality of your website.

Marks are available for code quality, game quality and the attractiveness and usability of the website.

Your coursework will only receive a mark if your submission includes a video demonstration.

4. What Needs to be Submitted


Submit a zip file containing:

1. Website code. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images for the website.

2. Report. Describes the website and any issues that you had with its development. This must be a Word or PDF document.

3. 5-minute video demonstration. Video demonstrations are mandatory for this coursework. I strongly recommend that you watch the talk on recording video demonstrations on the course website.


Upload the zip file using the link in the Resit section of the course website.


Your resit coursework will only receive a mark if you include a video demonstration.


5. Late Submission

We are very unlikely to give extensions to coursework and very unlikely to accept excuses. So we strongly recommend that you hand coursework in on time.


Contact the module leader before the deadline if you run into problems. Zero marks are likely to be awarded for late coursework.


6. Extenuating Circumstances

If you have personal problems that interfere with your studies, you can apply for extra time to complete coursework without a mark penalty. You have to provide appropriate documentary evidence.


More information here: https://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/your-study/assessment-and-regulations/extenuating- circumstances.


14 day extensions are not available for resit coursework.


You must let the module leader know if you have been granted an extension.


7. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Students that submit identical projects will be reported to the university. If they are found guilty, they will have to resubmit their work, their marks could be capped or they could fail the module.


We recognize that there is often a blurry line between copying and collaboration. People work together and help each other to solve problems and apply the solutions to their own projects. We strongly encourage this kind of collaboration. But it is not acceptable for students to collaborate on a project which they submit as individual work. To penalize this, the mark for near-identical projects will be divided between the projects. So suppose a project gets a mark of 60% and near-identical versions are handed in by 3 people. Each person will get 20%, instead of 60%. This only applies to the marks for the parts of the project that are nearly identical.


We are not going to police this and make detailed investigations. So if you allow your project to be copied, you will be as liable for plagiarism as the person who submits it as their own work. Both the original and the copy will receive zero or reduced marks.




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