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Search Results For engineering

Computer Science

The aim is to develop a system that will generate recommendations of films to watch according to what the users want and how other users have rated them.

MSc Programmes Agile Software Engineering Techniques (SET) Web Applications and Services (WAS) Advanced Computation Methods (ACM) Advanced Softwar

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Java Programming

Write a Main class that you will use as the simulator for testing you Classes

A small company dedicated to Software Development. Their engineering team, to which you belong, is working on writing a Web Application as an MVP for

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C Programming

you will write a few string-processing functions that are designed to get you thinking in C again

Abstract In this assignment, you will write a few string-processing functions that are designed to get you thinking in C again. You will also write a

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C++ Programming

Design of an audio embedded system using an Arduino.

IMPORTANT STATEMENTS Undergraduate Regulations Your studies will be governed by the BCU Academic Regulations on Assessment, Progression and Awards.

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Software Engineering

Create a single-page analytics application using Angular that can render various metrics through Key Performance Indicators

Analytics Dashboard (Angular)   Objective: Create a single-page analytics application using Angular that can render various metrics through Ke

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Thomas BillingtonPsychology

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Garima ThakurFinance

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Chase CruzEducation

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Samuel BarberaMathematics

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