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you will write a few string-processing functions that are designed to get you thinking in C again



In this assignment, you will write a few string-processing functions that are designed to get you thinking in C again. You will also write a main() function that can process command line arguments – parameters that are typed at the command line and passed into your program right when it starts running (as opposed to using scanf() to get input from a user after your program has already started running). Those parameters will be passed to your main() function as an array of strings, and so this program will also jog your memory with respect to using arrays and strings in C.


On the software engineering side of things, you will learn to construct programs that use multiple source files and custom header (.h) files. This assignment will also help you hone your ability to acquire new knowledge by reading technical specifications. If you end up pursuing a career as a software developer, the ability to rapidly digest technical documentation and work with new software libraries will be absolutely critical to your work, and this assignment will provide you with an exercise in doing just that.


Finally, this assignment is specifically designed to require relatively few lines of code so that you can get acclimated to the assignment testing setup in this class and make your first foray into the world of Linux without a huge, unwieldy, and intimidating program to debug. As the semester progresses, the programming assignments will become more lengthy and complex, but for now, this assignment should provide you with a somewhat gentle introduction to a development environment and software engineering concepts that will most likely be quite foreign to you at first.









Note! The capitalization and spelling of your filename matter!


Note! Code must be tested on Eustis, but submitted via Webcourses.


1. Numeronym.h (Super Important!)

Your code for this assignment will go in a file named Numeronym.c. At the very top of that file, write a comment with your name, the course number, the current semester, and your NID. Directly below that, you must include the following line of code:

#include "Numeronym.h"


The “quotes” (as opposed to <brackets>) indicate to the compiler that this header file is found in the same directory as your source file, not a system directory. Note that filenames are case sensitive in Linux, so if you use #include "numeronym.h" (all lowercase), your program might compile on Windows, but it won’t compile when we test it. You must capitalize Numeronym.h correctly.

The Numeronym.h file we have included with this assignment is a special header file that will enable us to grade your program. If you do not #include that file properly, your program will not compile on our end, and it will not receive credit. Note that you should also #include any other standard libraries your code relies upon (such as stdio.h and string.h).

From this point forward, you will always have to have Numeronym.h in the same folder as your Numeronym.c file any time you want to compile your code. You should not send Numeronym.h when you submit your assignment, as we will use our own copy of Numeronym.h when compiling your code. You should also be very careful not to modify Numeronym.h while working on this assignment, except as described below in Section 9 of this PDF.



2. Overview

When I was working in industry, one of the common abbreviations we used was “i18n,” which stands for “internationalization.” The 18 in “i18n” represents the number of characters that were removed in order to shorten the string (i.e., “nternationalizatio” has 18 characters).

This construction is called a “numeronym.” There are other types of numeronyms, which you can read about in the Wikipedia article on numeronyms, but this is the particular type that we will focus on for this assignment.

Other common numeronyms of this type that are used in industry and which are strongly related to internationalization of tech products and services include “a11y” for “accessibility, “l10n” for “localization,” and “g11n” for “globalization.”

In this assignment, you will write two different functions that process strings and replace the words in those strings with their corresponding numeronyms – but only if those words are sufficiently long.

For the purposes of this assignment, if a string has fewer than 9 characters, we will say that it is already “sufficiently short” and should not be shortened further into a numeronym. If a word has 9 characters or more, we will say it is “sufficiently long” and should be shortened into a numeronym. When transforming a word into a numeronym, we will always use the first character of that word, followed by the number of characters we are removing, followed by the final character of that word. We will always preserve the case (uppercase or lowercase) of each character in a word that we are transforming.


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