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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

C++ Programming

One of the hardest parts of programming is dealing with the users.

One of the hardest parts of programming is dealing with the users. They do erratic things despite all your best warnings and error messages. One of t

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C++ Programming

This lab introduces Arduino UNO and helps to understand simple programming using Arduino IDE.

demonstration. You can post in the YouTube and submit the link on the Canvas. A sample video for the demonstration has been uploaded on the YouTube. F

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C++ Programming

research project conducts a study on people aged in the range 10 - 35 inclusive.

This lab addresses the following major topics: • Pointers • Dynamic memory allocation: 1d array You will find the instruction file along

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Computer Science

web-based application to manage projects software engineering/ development cours

web-based application to manage projects software engineering/ development courses. The application should have the following functionalities: &ndash

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Computer Science

For this assignment, you will write a color display application in HTML and JavaScript. Submit your work as a single,

Assignment For this assignment, you will write a color display application in HTML and JavaScript. Submit your work as a single, zipped HTML file. In

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Assembly Programming

Write an assembly language program consisting of a main program

Calling and Returning from Procedures; Multiple-Precision Integer Arithmetic Required Materials: • Your textbook, Assembly Language for x86 Proc

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C++ Programming

Write a program to run 10,000 experiments with a “fair coin” possessing success probability

Write a program to run 10,000 experiments with a “fair coin” possessing success probability . You will also need variables to keep track o

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you will recreate a specified classic Atari-era game by developing nearly all the assets yourself.

Overview: Assessment 3 and 4 are two parts of a linked assessment. In these assessments you will recreate a specified classic Atari-era game by devel

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Computer Science

function handleLogin instance, isAuthenticated, redirectTo, navigate

function handleLogin (instance, isAuthenticated, redirectTo, navigate) { /* kick authenticated users back * / if (isAuthenticated) { navigate(redir

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Java Programming

Create a simple HTML web page and form for a auto loan calculator.

Purpose: Become familiar with JavaScript syntax, data types, and control structures. Additionally, increase experience with basic HTML. Points: 100

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