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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Python Programming

Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms

The requirments are detailed in the attached document 1 Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms Assigned: Oct. 18, 2021 Due: Nov. 1, 2021 Version:

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C Programming

In-line code comments no fewer than every 5 lines of code which describe your algorithmic steps. Syntax transcriptions of the code are

1) Only one source code file as follows with filename as in the example where you will put your own first initial and lastname and your    o

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Mathematics & Discrete

Use MLE to estimate the priors 𝑃𝑖(𝑗) for every pair of 𝑖,𝑗. (b). Sometime later, one of the dice disappeared. You (as the casino owner) need to find out which one.

In a casino, two differently loaded but identically looking dice are thrown in repeated runs. The frequencies of numbers (number of times each number

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C Programming

This is the final project for Intro to OS and it is by its very nature quite open ended. The environment for this project is real Linux

  This is the final project for Intro to OS and it is by its very nature quite open ended. The environment for this project is real Linux (I reco

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Matlab & Mathematica

University at Buffalo, Computer Science and Engineering CSE 468/568: Robot Algorithms

Using MATLAB/Octave, take 6 images and perform the following alignment techniques: - simple coloring - aligning - feature-based alignment Additionally

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Computer Science

Using Statement object (from your Java program), create corresponding tables in MySQI for each of the text file.

mysql Do the following operations: 1.1 Using Statement object (from your Java program), create corresponding tables in MySQI for each of the text file

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Java Programming

Using Statement object, insert data from the text files into corresponding tables i.e. write a method which reads the files and then insert the read data into MySQI tables.

mysql   Do the following operations: 1.1 Using Statement object (from your Java program), create corresponding tables in MySQI for each of the te

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C Sharp Programming

Using Visual Studio weather analysis application using C Sharp

Using Visual Studio, re create the weather analysis application using C Sharp and write the source code Kindly find attached the useful documents sent

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Electronics & Electrical Help

Using write a program that uses a SFC combined with structured text program and a visualisation (HMI) to imp1eme he following synchronous state machine.

Create a SFC in Codesys program   Q4) Using  write a program that uses a SFC combined with structured text program and a visualisation (HMI)

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Computer Network

CSC520 Fall 2021 Assignment 5 artificial intelligence assignment related to decision theory, Bayesian networks and Markov models

Help for the artificial intelligence assignment related to decision theory, Bayesian networks and Markov models   CSC520 Fall 2021 Assignment 5 &

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