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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

C Sharp Programming

Create an application that features a chess board on the screen. The application should allow the judge to easily move chess pieces from one square to another as the players play.

The State Chess Tournament is being held at your school. The school is scrambling to set up a modern area where all fans will be able to see the moves

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Data structures & Algorithms

Algorithms Homework 7 Modify Dijkstra’s algorithm to solve the problem. Give the complete pseudocode for your modified algorithm. Analyze the time taken by your algorithm. Argue why your algorithm is correct.

Help with Homework question 2 on the attached document. Due midnight CST     Algorithms Homework 7, due Wednesday, Nov 17, at 11:59 p.m

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C++ Programming

\"In this project, you will develop algorithms that find road routes through the bridges to travel between islands.\"

"In this project, you will develop algorithms that find road routes through the bridges to travel between islands." The full instructions are in the a

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C++ Programming

Write a Raptor program which inputs a string containing a US phone number in any format and outputs it in the international standard forma

I need help with a Raptor flowchart for a c++ coding assignment, I'm just completely lost on how to start this. I'll attach the instructions.   &

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C Programming

i. Create a dummy Team key for the Cubs by calling the createTeam function using empty strings and zero values except for the team name (which should be \"Cubs\").

We have been given starter codes, we just have to complete 3 functions.     3.1 Sorting the Wrong Way In this activity, you will implement a

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Python Programming

Write a Python code implementing naïve LCS recursive, LCS DP, and LCS bottom-up versions. Then write a driver program that

Need help for all the tasks   Q2 (10 points) Write a Python code implementing naïve LCS recursive, LCS DP, and LCS bottom-up versions. Then

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Assembly Programming

write an assembly function to perform searching of a list of names in stored in ascending order. This function will use the linear search algorithm.

    Program #3: Search    Description:   You are responsible to write an assembly function to perform searching of a list of

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Statistics & Analysis

An article in the Austraian Journal of Agricultureal Research determined that the essential amino acid (Lysines) composition level of soybean meals is as shown here (g/kg)

    Chapter 8 And Chapter 9 Problems 8.3.2) Determine the values of the following χ2 percentiles: χ_(.05,12)^2, χ_(.025,18)^2, &

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3 HTML5 Files 1 CSS File 1 JScript File The goal of this assignment is to create a multi-page website that informs the reader about some topic that you are knowledgeable about or interested in

Minimum Requirements: 3 HTML5 Files 1 CSS File 1 JScript File The goal of this assignment is to create a multi-page website that informs the reader ab

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