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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers


Which one of the following is the value of the variable data work.one;a = 2;b = 3; c = a ** b;run.Write data step to assign work dataset, say ABC with limitation of 10 observations only?

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks) Part one: Multiple choice: 1 Which one of the following is the value of the variable data w

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Python Programming

In this assignment, you need to collect data related to the stock market from Twitter for one week. In Twitter, ticker symbols like #gold are used for stocks and companies

Collecting tweets related to the stock market  Objectives  Gain experience of collecting data from Twitter using Twitter API Gain experi

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C++ Programming

Implement a C++ Linked List Use dynamic memory in classes,the Character class is a simple class for storing a name, a role (Tank, DPS, or Heals),

CPP FILE : // driver.cpp// Testing driver for Assignment 1 #include <iostream>#include <locale>#include <string> // You will provide

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Java Programming

soft drink company recently surveyed customers who purchase energy drinks and discovered: approximately 64% of them purchase citrus-flavored energy drinks

A soft drink company recently surveyed customers who purchase energy drinks and discovered: approximately 64% of them purchase citrus-flavored energy

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Assembly Programming

block of memory contains 50 random words of data. Assume that the values are in two’s complement representations and are stored in the R/W memory area.

Question 1 A block of memory contains 50 random words of data. Assume that the values are in two’s complement representations and are stored in

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Python Programming

SalesReceipt Class Documentation Class Attributes itemName- Name of the item to be added to sales receipt. This stores a value in string

SalesReceipt Class Documentation Class Attributes: itemName – Name of the item to be added to sales receipt. This stores a value in string ite

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C++ Programming

short BONUS C++ program,You will initially start with a fixed set of 8 disjoint sets using the integer elements 0 through 7 and support the find

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION In this short BONUS C++ program, you will use concepts from Chapter 8. You will initially start with a fixed set of 8 disjoint set

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Data structures & Algorithms

Describe an efficient algorithm for checking bipartiteness based on the above approach. What is the running time of your algorithm and why?

Problem Description Given a graph, the goal is to check whether the graph is bipartite or not. A graph G = (V, E) is bipartite if its vertex set V ca

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Python Programming

You cannot use built-in libraries/implementations for learning the parameters of the Bayesian network time taken to produce the output will also be taken into account, so you must optimize your code.

Important instructions:1. You cannot use built-in libraries/implementations for learning the parameters of the Bayesian network.2. Time taken to produ

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Assignment Writing

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website.and write a 700-word blog post

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website. Write a 700-word blog post that includes

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