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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

C++ Programming

Demonstrate more advanced expertise in Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation (DMA) & Object­Oriented Programming Demonstrate the ability to properly format text and numeric output from C++ programs

Unit 1: Text Manipulation and Output Formatting Description: Reading Assignments: Deitel, P. & Deitel, H., Chapters 3, 7 and 21 Unit 1 - Discussio

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C++ Programming

Create a new file, which encodes all the word in the source file by reversing each word in text file and replacing all the spaces in between the words with an alpha numeric character

Given a sample text file as input, scan all the words in the text file and Create a new file, which encodes all the word in the source file by rever

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Select a real-world application for which a database system would be needed. Model the domain of the application and define its functionality

Select a real-world application for which a database system would be needed. Model the domain of the application and define its functionality Design

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Python Programming

Write a program that reads the MCTC Course Search Results page parses that page and creates a spreadsheet containing seven columns of data from the web page.

Final Project - ITEC Course Schedules For this lab, and every lab: comment your code. If you use/adapt code from the internet, you must add a comment

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Computer Science

Finding a Path and the Minimum-Length Path Given map information places, direct connections, and distances use search to find paths between any 2 locations

Finding a Path and the Minimum-Length Path Given map information (places, direct connections, and distances), use search to find paths between any 2 l

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Operating System

The goal of this lab is to do resource allocation using both an optimistic resource manager and the banker’s algorithm of Dijkstra

The goal of this lab is to do resource allocation using both an optimistic resource manager and the banker’s algorithm of Dijkstra. The optimist

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Python Programming

In this programming assignment, you are expected to use and modify the MapReduce programs for computing the TFIDF for terms in a set of documents.

 In this programming assignment, you are expected to use and modify the MapReduce programs for computing the TFIDF for terms in a set of docume

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Python Programming

read the map data from a text file instead of using hardcoded assignment statements to set up your floor plan

This is a continuation of Project 1. In this project, you will add functionality to your Project 1 code to: read the map data from a text file instead

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shell/program for high-school students to solve questions involving matrices. It will be a MATLAB like tool although extremely limited in its capability and scope.

Description:                 MatShell: A shell/program for high-school students to solve questions involving m

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Create a Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation with a script either typed in the speakers’ notes, or in the same Google Doc as your bibliography

HIST 1312: Unit 4 Assessment Current Problems, Historic Roots Project Choose a project topic related to one of these themes in world history Migrati

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