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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

C Programming

you to implement a semaphore using mutexes and condition variables, then use your semaphore to implement a producer/consumer queue (FIFO) data structure for passing data between threads.

CSE 220: Systems Programming Programming Assignment 5: Synchronization: Semaphores and Producer-Consumer Queues   Introduction This assignment wi

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Visual Studio Programming

We will be implementing an application that allows adding and searching for insurance policies We define the necessary properties, constructor and a ToString method that shows “Insurance Details"

Part I We will be implementing an application that allows adding and searching for insurance policies. Question 1: [15 pts] We start by creating an &l

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Operating System

this assignment is an implementation of a cellular automaton that uses OpenGL + glut for its front end. This program implements several rules, including the classical rule of Conway’s original Game of Life.

CSC 412 – Operating Systems  Spring 2020 Cellular Automata    1 What this Assignment is About 1.1 In memoriam John Horton Conway

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Identify a research question you desire to answer with the analysis of the data of your choice. This should include examining a relationship at least between two variables.

Step 1: Prepare Data For the data analysis project, use the following data sources: NHANES 2015-2016 NHANES 2013-2014 NHANES 2011-2012 From the NHANES

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this assignment, you need to design and implement a social networking component that allows users to comment and denote when they have visited your web site.

Applied IT Programming Lab Assignment 4 | Arrays, Structured Query Language, MySQL Social Networking 101 For this assignment, you need to design and i

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Software Engineering

writea brief description of the ChocAnin less than 8 lines, Redesignthesoftware package

  Redesign ChocAn  Given the term project Chocoholics Anonymous description and the code, do the following: 1- write a brief

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Java Programming

Reading a (text) data file to read and parse a text file (as in the wireframe data files), the JDK supplied Scanner class is a useful utility

159.235 Assignment 2 Notes Reading a (text) data file To read and parse a text file (as in the wireframe data files), the JDK supplied Scanner class i

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Relational data model, you’ll then design a simple relational data model to represent some of the ideas from your conceptual model

The final assessment for course 1 is peer-graded. While it won’t incorporate every idea we’ve covered in the course, it will include key e

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C++ Programming

you will push your C++ skills to the limit by implementing a simple database system using binary search trees

CPSC 350: Data Structures Assignment 5, Version 1.2 Building a Database with Binary Search Trees   Overview In this assignment, you will pus

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C++ Programming

For this project, you should use MPI as well as OpenMP. You are free to choose how to combine the two for performance

CS 484 - Parallel Programming Introduction Learning Goals You will learn the following: Histogram sorting in a distributed memory environment Hybr

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