159.235 Assignment 2 Notes
Reading a (text) data file
To read and parse a text file (as in the wireframe data files), the JDK supplied Scanner class is a useful utility:
// Need these imports
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Scanner;
try {
// Instantiate a Scanner for the given File object
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(myFile);
/// code here . . .
// I f you create a Scanner instance , you must handle this exception
catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();
To access the next line in the file, simply do:
line = scanner.nextLine();
where line has previously been declared as String.
Given that line is a String, you need to do an appropriate conversion to integer or float- ing point if that’s what you want. You can do this with either Integer.parseInt() or Double.parseDouble(). For example, to read the first line of the wireframe data files:
line = scanner.nextLine();
int numVertices = Integer.parseInt(line);
If a line has multiple data items, you can split the line using a StringTokenizer, which you can access by first importing:
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
So, for example, if the line looked like:
2.31879 -1.29409 -0.673863
Then you can split this line into doubles as follows:
line = scanner.nextLine();
StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(line, " \t"); x = Double.parseDouble(strtok.nextToken());
y = Double.parseDouble(strtok.nextToken()); z = Double.parseDouble(strtok.nextToken());
A similar procedure would be used if dealing with a line of ints
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