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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Computer Science

Draw the Class Diagram for your Bouncing Shapes Project?

GUI moving shape across screen wrap. Update the Code to: Have objects exit and reenter the screen on the opposite side. Handle Collisions between obje

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Python Programming

You will create a Product class that will keep track of individual items stored in a company’s inventory.

You will create a Product class that will keep track of individual items stored in a company’s inventory.  There will be NO input or output

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C Programming

Given the shipment description of all the mangos (arrival time, spoil time, and size in pounds)

Story Your employees have too many mangos. The mangos go bad after some time and leave a sticky, smelly residue. The park is beginning to look and sm

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Computer Science

Start with BitUtil Pass unit tests In Compression Complete getFrequencies createNodes createTree printTree

Add the Missing Code 1 Start with BitUtil Pass unit tests In Compression Complete getFrequencies createNodes createTree printTree - can test in main (

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Assembly Programming

how to create module descriptions of simple combinatorial logic circuits in VHDL

In the previous lab session we learned how to create module descriptions of simple combinatorial logic circuits in VHDL, and simulate them to verify t

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Computer Network

The goal of this phase of the project is to apply the knowledge learned

NETWORK DESIGN PROJECT: PREPARE, PLAN, DESIGN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The goal of this phase of the project is to apply the knowledge learned, includ

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Java Programming

Make sure you have studied ECK Chapter 5 and the related topics on Canvas.

Figure 2.5: Creating/editing an application for university admission (Exercise D-2.8)   2.3 Programming 2.3.1 Laboratory exercises Import the

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Python Programming

What operation do you want to execute

Sample Screen: What operation do you want to execute: a) create new note b) view all x) exit program Type your choice here: FF Invalid Input: Se

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C Sharp Programming

assignment requires you to design and implement a program that models the spread of fire in a 2D forest

Assignment: Fire Simulation This assignment requires you to design and implement a program that models the spread of fire in a 2D forest. If you do u

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Computer Science

You have just got a loaded 6-sided dice from your statistician friend. Unfortunately,

MLE, MAP, Concentration (Pengtao) 1. MLE of Uniform Distributions [5 pts] Given a set of i.i.d samples X1, ..., Xn Uniform(0, θ), find the max

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