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Search Results For weka


In this assignment you will test Multi Layer Perceptrons with different attributes to find the best suitable configuration for the data provided

In this assignment you will test Multi Layer Perceptrons with different attributes to find the best suitable configuration for the data provided. You

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Data structures & Algorithms

What’s the risk with tuning hyperparameters using a test dataset explain why dropout in a neural network can help to address the overfitting issue of deep neural networks?

What’s the risk with tuning hyperparameters using a test dataset?   what evaluation method should we use to evaluate model performa

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Weka, Rapid Miner & XLMiner

Use Rapid Miner to build a model to classify mushrooms as poisonous or edible. You will work with the data set of mushrooms.

Use Rapid Miner to build a model to classify mushrooms as poisonous or edible. You will work with the data set of mushrooms.   (Hint: The fi

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Weka, Rapid Miner & XLMiner

To clearly articulate your understanding of the business problem and to present its solution to management.

Assignment A2: Text + Clustering + Estimation Aim To clearly articulate your understanding of the business problem and to present its solution

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Weka, Rapid Miner & XLMiner

You are given sensor data of an office such as light, temperature, humidity, and CO2 measurements.

Project Title: Occupancy Classification Data Background: You are given sensor data of an office such as light, temperature, humidity, and CO2 measurem

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Weka, Rapid Miner & XLMiner

Tutoring/Assistance in solving this assignment. Predictive Models in Business Analytics – Project

Tutoring/Assistance in solving this assignment. Task 1: Selection In this task, you need to find a set of 1,000 customers in the test set that contain

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Weka, Rapid Miner & XLMiner

What types of customers have a higher chance of buying a personal equity plan (pep=YES)? What types of customers have a lower chance of buying a personal equity plan?

1 weka question with 2 parts   Take the bank-data-final.arff file posted online, and perform association rule analysis using WEKA to answer the f

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Weka, Rapid Miner & XLMiner

Solving a Business Problem with Analytics

Solving a Business Problem with Analytics  1.      Defining the Right Business Problems (Answer the traditional six dis

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Computer Science

In this project, we will use the Communities and Crime Unnormalized Data Set available at the UCI Machine Learning Repository

Project Assignment:2 THOROUGHLY READ AND FOLLOW THE PROJECT GUIDELINES. These guidelines contain detailed information about how to structure your pro

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