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Software Engineering

For this assignment, you must implement a GIS-based site selection model for an application problem related to your course

Module Learning Outcomes The following module learning outcomes and professional body learning outcomes are tested in this assessment: (1) Understan

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C++ Programming

Binary file operations are about two things: reading bytes from the file and putting them into memory

Overview Lots of applications need to process images in some way. Load them, store them, write them back to files, scale them, rotate them, adjust th

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Java Programming

apply the skills you have learned in the module to add a robust set of features to the code that has already been developed.

Task Overview You have been employed by a software engineering company to develop a modern single-page application backed up by a REST Web API to all

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C++ Programming

In this assignment, you will develop a new version of the Fitness Center Management system

In this assignment, you will develop a new version of the Fitness Center Management system, which is accessible by administrative staff and members. I

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C Programming

Write a program to read all the characters (at most 1000) from an input file named

Question 1 (Lecture 1): Write a program to read all the characters (at most 1000) from an input file named: a.txt. The program should replace every sp

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Visual Studio Programming

You must build a two‐player board game as part of your first assignment.

Objectives The objectives of the assignment are to test the knowledge of the student in: 1. applying the design principles of graphical user interfa

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C++ Programming

you will design and implement a pager, part of the kernel that manages application processes\' virtual address spaces

1. Overview In this project, you will design and implement a pager, part of the kernel that manages application processes' virtual address spaces. Yo

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Python Programming

Blockchain technology is rapidly changing businesses\' transaction behavior and efficiency in recent years.

Abstract—Blockchain technology is rapidly changing businesses' transaction behavior and efficiency in recent years. Data privacy and system reli

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Visual Studio Programming

This task is designed to provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate general restful API development

Objectives This task is designed to provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate general restful API development knowledge in the sense that you: 1

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Organizations must interact with the environment to procure goods and services to facilitate their operations.

Requirement 01: Importing and Consolidating Data [10 marks] Background: Organizations must interact with the environment to procure goods and servic

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