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C++ Programming

basic C++ syntax including branching structures Write classes and instantiate those classes using a constructor create a templated data structure (queue or stack) use simple file input

1.  Overview In this project, you will: Practice basic C++ syntax including branching structures Write classes and instantiate those classes

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C++ Programming

You are to implement the variant of Patolli specified above, for two human players. You must implement three ADTs, one for a player, one for the board, and one for the referee.

Game Description : Patolli is an ancient board game originating in pre-Columbian Meso-America. It is played by 2-4 players on a 2D board shaped like a

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C Programming

calculating the percentage of total votes calculating the total votes cast for each candidate calculating the percentage of votes for each candidate

Topic: Online Voting System with C The program should be able to do the following Ask for the voter's id counting the total number of votes cast cal

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C Programming

simplify our allocator, we will only be usingmmap, and we’ll allocate entireregionsof memory at a time

To simplify our allocator, we will only be using mmap, and we’ll allocate entire regions of memory at a time. The size of each re

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C Programming

write a program to keep track of the music you play on your computer.

CS 262Project 3Songs, Playlists and Music Library In order to further your expertise in the C programming language, you decide to write a program to

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R Programming

this homework assignment is supervised learning. The first half is concerned with linear regression, and the second half, classification.

CS100 Homework #3, Part II Overview The topic of this homework assignment is supervised learning. The first half is concerned with linear regression,

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C Programming

You should create customer test files which cannot be completed by the shop customer want 400 loaves of bread

The shop CSV should be modified to also hold the initial cash value for the shop. Read in customer orders from a CSV file. – That fi

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Python Programming

find in-memory implementations of B-trees and hash structures on the internet or elsewhere

This question is worth 60 Please find in-memory implementations of B-trees and hash structures on the internet or elsewhere. These can be from the s

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C++ Programming

In this project we will implement BSGS to crack the discrete log problem when pp is 42 bits

Suppose pp is prime and \alpha \in \mathbb{Z}_p^*α∈Zp∗?. The order of \alphaα is the least

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