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Search Results For programming

C++ Programming

The objective of this assignment is to design an object-oriented system and gain implementation experience in C++ while using classes

1       Assignment Goals The objective of this assignment is to design an object-oriented system and gain implementatio

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Python Programming

This assignment focuses on the design, implementation and testing of a Python program which uses an instructor supplied module to play a card game

Assignment Overview This assignment focuses on the design, implementation and testing of a Python program which uses an instructor-supplied module to

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Python Programming

Create a function that traverses a string using a while Loop. Do NOT use a for loop.Create a function that reads a text file consisting of natural language and counts the number of words.

1.1.     Traverse a String Using a while Loop The following code traverses a string using a for loop: Create a function that tra

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C++ Programming

The member function named as extractLargestDistanceInfo() that will receive an array of Point objects and its size as Then,

Reminders: Print and turn in all *.h files Question #1 (5 points) Complete the following sentence, “We write code to" Question #2 (5 points

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C++ Programming

Each quarter, the ABC bank must make the state of client accounts it manages. In order to facilitate its task, ABC is speaking to you to produce an account management system.

PROJECT: SIMPLIFIED MANAGEMENT OF BANK ACCOUNTS Each quarter, the ABC bank must make the state of client accounts it manages. In order to facilitate

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C++ Programming

Write a program using the object-oriented paradigm that keeps track of bank accounts. Each class should have constructor and destructor methods but the choice of members will be up to you.

Part 1-2 marks Q1) Write a program using the object-oriented paradigm that keeps track of bank accounts. Each class should have constructor and destru

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Android Programming

In this assignment you will be tasked with building an entire custom view for the game of Draughts. You will be responsible for all drawing, touch interaction, and the ability to customise it

In this assignment you will be tasked with building an entire custom view for the game of Draughts. You will be responsible for all drawing, touch int

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Operating System

In this project, you will be developing a program to check the file system consistency. The program, called as fcheck, reads a file system image and checks its consistency.

Project 4: File System Checking In this project, you will be developing a program to check the file system consistency. The program, called as fchec

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C Sharp Programming

In this assignment, you will write a program that plot ASCII text approximations of the Mandelbrot set.

Assignment 2 In this assignment, you will write a program that plot ASCII text approximations of the Mandelbrot set.   Problem 1 Consider the

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