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Matlab & Mathematica

The students will be required to choose a topic in medical imaging, and work out a computer implementation of their idea.

The students will be required to choose a topic in medical imaging, and work out a computer implementation of their idea. This may involve the implem

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Data structures & Algorithms

Provide an expression using predicates that describes the sentence.

Questions Part 1: Propositional logic and predicates 1. (4 points, anticipated 5 min. length) Use predicates to explain the concept that, you cannot

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Data structures & Algorithms

Create a map showing walking access isochrones to public libraries in Toronto.

Pedestrian Accessibility To Libraries 6 marks your task is to map pedestrian accessibility to public libraries. In the data.zip/part3 folder, a ped

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Python Programming

Write a Python program to calculate software costs for a series of customers at the Acme Software Company.

Python Project Write a Python program to calculate software costs for a series of customers at the Acme Software Company. Each software package costs

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C++ Programming

The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate an ability to implement inheritance, composition,

OVERVIEW  The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate an ability to implement inheritance, composition, and overloaded operators in a pro

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you will implement algorithms to compute Bezier, B-Spline, and Hermite curves.

you will implement algorithms to compute Bezier, B-Spline, and Hermite curves. The starter code can then generate and render surfaces of revolution u

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Python Programming

classic sudoku, the objective is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with digits so that each column

Introduction In classic sudoku, the objective is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 ×

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C Programming

you will demonstrate your ability with the C programming language

In this coursework, you will demonstrate your ability with the C programming language and its standard library by writing a steganography program whic

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Python Programming

solve a 3*3 puzzle using AI.The assignment is to add the A star function to the given example

You are given the code necessary for solving simple slide puzzles, except for the general A* function. (a) Your job is to fill in the body of the a_s

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IT Write Up Assignments

single research project in an area of applied AI (written up in the form of a 3,000 word report)

Description: The assessment for this module will consist of two components: (a) a single research project in an area of applied AI (written up in the

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