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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Assembly Programming

Consider the MIPS instruction sequence given below. Describe in detail a hardware solution to resolve or mitigate (minimize the effect of) potential hazards.

 It in computer architecture/Assembly language.   - Please submit your work in Canvas or as a text/MS-word/PDF attachment by the due time.&n

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Tableau Assignment.   BIBITOR, LLC DATASET SUPPORTING MATERIAL Store Profitability Analysis of June 30, 2019 Bibitor, LLC. Incorporating Tab

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Java Programming

Create a one-dimensional array x of the float type. Fill it with 11 random numbers in the range from -12.0 to 15.0.

Write a Java program that performs the appropriate actions for the variant. The program must meet the following requirements: It must be packaged in a

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Perl Assignment

Perl Assignment   Bioinformatic analysis with Perl, BI118G, autumn 2021, assignment 3 Assignment 3: File I/O and regular expressions Re-examinati

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Perl Assignment Bioinformatic analysis with Perl, BI118G, autumn 2021, assignment 3 Assignment 3: File I/O and regular expressions

Perl Assignment Bioinformatic analysis with Perl, BI118G, autumn 2021, assignment 3 Assignment 3: File I/O and regular expressions Re-examination Inst

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Statistics & Analysis

If the cost of goods sold is 3 units for brand2, what would be its optimal price to maximize its profit? Explain why

Can you solve this assignment using Excel?   Marketing Engineering Assignment 3 Assessing the impact of price in case of 3 brands. ⚫ V_1=0 (ref

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C++ Programming

Home Security System10-Door and window monitors2- LEDs (Green and Red)1- Buzzer1- LCD1- Keypad

Home Security System 10-Door and window monitors 2- LEDs (Green and Red) 1- Buzzer 1- LCD 1- Keypad 1-ECP8266-01 MCU

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C Programming

CIS1500 ASSIGNMENT3 For any unclear requirements, please review the A3 solution program and post questions to the discussion boards.

CIS1500 ASSIGNMENT3 Due Date: Dec 3rd, 2021 Late period begins Dec 6th Only for extreme medical conditions will submissions be accepted after Dec 8th.

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Matlab & Mathematica

ME 18A Fall 2021 our-bar or four-link mechanisms are used in a variety of applications of mechanical engineering. This project will develop a GUI for users to study four-bar mechanisms shown in the figure below

      Project (150 points + 30 points Extra credit) Four-bar or four-link mechanisms are used in a variety of applications of mechanica

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C++ Programming

Ship Design

    4.2 Test a Ship Design (same as last program) Input: the product will prompt the user for the name ot one space vehicle. Output: the pro

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