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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Java Programming

Create a class called Employee that contains the attributes Employee Name

Question 1 Create a class called Employee that contains the attributes Employee Name, Employee ID, Regular Hours, Hourly Rate, Overtime, and Weekly

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Python Programming

Showcase your understanding of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and prepare a technical report examining the algorithm’s performance in a given problem.

Goal: Showcase your understanding of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and prepare a technical report examining the algorithm’s performance in a given pro

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Data structures & Algorithms

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are frontiers in the technology field.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are frontiers in the technology field. These areas are often used to address common problems that require

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Computer Science

Write a single program that will compute the value of a function where the independent variable is some random input value.

Write a single program that will compute the value of a function where the independent variable is some random input value. 1. In order to randomly g

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C Sharp Programming

Read in a roman numeral n and convert it to a decimal number. (M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1)

04 Roman to decimal   Read in a roman numeral n and convert it to a decimal number. (M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5 and I =

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Python Programming

Evaluating the quality of ML classification algorithms for 17 different classifiers from Spark ML, Keras, and Scikit-learn to detect or minimize

Evaluating the quality of ML classification algorithms for 17 different classifiers from Spark ML, Keras, and Scikit-learn to detect or minimize ML bu

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C++ Programming

the task in this activity is to compare the running time of radix sort on an array of integer

the task in this activity is to compare the running time of radix sort on an array of integer with r=10, r=100, and r=1000. For decimal numbers, r=10,

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Python Programming

Design an algorithm and flowchart with a real life statement

Design an algorithm and flowchart with a real life statement

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R Programming

In this task you will extend the implementation of your Text Based Music Player.

Text Music Player In this task you will extend the implementation of your Text Based Music Player.  Your Text Based Music Application must have

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JavaScript code defines a constructor function for a Student class

The JavaScript code defines a constructor function for a Student class. Add a Course constructor function that takes a title as a parameter. The Cours

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