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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

C++ Programming

Define a class Date that contains integer variables for the day, month, and year.

Working with classes (all written below is a single exercise):  Define a class Date that contains integer variables for the day, month, and year

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Computer Science

This project contains two parts. In the first part, you will implement recursive methods for drawing fractals

Overview This project contains two parts. In the first part, you will implement recursive methods for drawing fractals such as the Koch curve and Sier

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C++ Programming

A local movie rental store wishes to automate their inventory tracking system. Currently there are three types of movies/videos (in DVD media) to be tracked

Description A local movie rental store wishes to automate their inventory tracking system. Currently there are three types of movies/videos (in DVD m

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Statistics & Analysis

The Tableau file “Flights_data.twbx” contains information on all U.S. airline flights from 2010 and 2011. Follow the steps below and create Tableau worksheets to answer each of the following questions.

INSTRUCTIONS: Tableau 2019.4 MUST be used. Assignment should be in. Twbx Extension.   Tableau workbook should have separate worksheets

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Statistics & Analysis

The following are the speeds of 40 cars clocked by radar on a particular road in a 35 miles-per-hour zone on an afternoon

  Practice Worksheet   Provide a response to the following prompts. Explain and provide an example for each of the following types of varia

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Java Programming

Seam-carving is a content-aware image resizing technique where the image is reduced in size by one pixel of height (or width) at a time

Seam Carver Seam-carving is a content-aware image resizing technique where the image is reduced in size by one pixel of height (or width) at a time. A

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Computer Science

what investigations have been made of the wave system created by a static pressure distribution over a liquid surface . has anyone investigated the effect of shock generated vorticity on heat transfer to a blunt body .

what investigations have been made of the wave system created by a static pressure distribution over a liquid surface .has anyone investigated the eff

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Matlab & Mathematica

make training/test data on smaller field of view (FoV) from a set of experimental data on a large FoV

Assignment Goal: make training/test data on smaller field of view (FoV) from a set of experimental data on a large FoV.  Input:  •5-

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C Programming

LcFHandle lcopen (const char *path) this function will open a file (named path, e.g.,) in the filesystem.

Must be on Ubuntu 19.10 LcFHandle lcopen (const char *path); - This function will open a file(named path, e.g.,) in the filesystem. . If the file does

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Python Programming

You are to write a program or script to try and parse out email addresses and phone numbers from the data files. The data files may be disk images or memory images.

I will try to attach the data file below but if there is none then email me and i can send it trouugh wetransfer because the file is bigger in size.

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