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how a sport organisation of your choice could address a current issue affecting it / its sport.


Assessment Information

This assignment requires you to produce a 2,000 word individual report.

our report should critically discuss how a sport organisation of your choice could address a current issue affecting it / its sport.

Your report should include the following:


Critical analysis of the contemporary issue and how it is affecting the sport/sport organisation

Critical evaluation of international strategies to alleviate that issue

SMART recommendations for your chosen sport organisation.


The analysis and strategies / recommendations should include specific examples.

It is expected that your discussion is underpinned by relevant academic research and theory.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to confirm your chosen organisation and contemporary issue with the module leader to check their suitability.

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

1. Evaluate the nature of the commercial, public and voluntary sectors and their respective contributions to the sports industry.

2. Critically appraise issues facing contemporary sport managers in a variety of contexts.

3. Propose appropriate management strategies for a variety of problems, dilemmas and issues and justify the application of those techniques in international settings.


Criteria for Assessment 











Outstanding and clear introduction / rationale and recaps essential background information.

Excellent and clear introduction / rationale and recaps essential background information.

Very good introduction providing some sufficient background and rationale.

Good introduction providing some limited but relevant background.

Basic introduction, providing some limited background.

Poor introduction with extremely limited background.

Inadequate. Very poor or no introduction.


Critical analysis of the contemporary issue


Outstanding critical analysis of the issue supported by relevant literature and specific examples.

Excellent critical analysis of the issue supported by relevant literature and specific examples.

Very good critical analysis of the issues supported by some relevant examples and literature.

Good analysis but remains a bit superficial. Some limited relevant examples and literature.

Basic analysis. Some sections are primarily descriptive. Some examples although they are not always relevant.

Much room for improvement.

Very limited analysis. Very limited generic examples, mostly not relevant. Very limited literature.

Inadequate analysis, little to no examples, largely irrelevant. No literature


Critical evaluation of international strategies


Outstanding evaluation of international strategies, supported by relevant literature and specific examples.

Excellent evaluation of international strategies, supported by relevant literature and specific examples.

Very good evaluation of international strategies, supported by some relevant examples and literature.

Good evaluation of international strategies but remaining a bit superficial. Some relevant examples and literature.

Basic evaluation of international strategies, supported by limited and not always relevant examples and literature.

Very limited evaluation of international strategies, few examples, possibly irrelevant or too generic, are discussed, very limited reference to literature.

Inadequate evaluation of international strategies, no examples or irrelevant ones, no literature





Recommendations and conclusion (25%)


Comprehensive, relevant and specific recommendations, flowing from the discussion and with clear rationale. Outstanding conclusion.

Excellent recommendations, relevant and specific, well justified and flowing from the discussion. Excellent conclusion

Very good recommendations, mostly specific and relevant.

Overall rooted in the discussion. Very good conclusion summarising the key points of the work. Some specific recommendations, linked to identified issues but with limited explicit


Good conclusion Some recommendations but remain mostly generic and with limited link to the discussion.

Acceptable conclusion.

Very generic recommendations, with no link to the analysis.

Poor conclusion No recommendations or not relevant to the issue.

Very poor or no conclusion.




Presentation & referencing (10%

Outstanding presentation and structure, clear and explicit argument throughout, exceptionally well written. All sources are acknowledged using the correct APA referencing standards.

Excellent presentation and structure, clear and explicit argument, very well written. All sources are acknowledged using the correct APA referencing standards.

Very good presentation and structure, clear argument that could be more explicit at times, very well written. Almost all sources are acknowledged using the correct APA referencing standards.

Good presentation and structure, well written.

Most sources are acknowledged using the correct APA referencing.

Basic presentation and structure. Acceptable writing style with minor typos and grammatical issues. Some gaps in the flow of ideas. Some sources are acknowledged using the correct APA referencing standards.

Poor presentation and structure. Few sources are acknowledged using the correct APA referencing standards.

Very Poor presentation and structure. No sources are acknowledged using the correct APA referencing standards.


Word Count

The maximum word count is 2,000 words.

There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more. Please note that concision and relevance are also included in the assessment of each marking criteria.

The word limit includes quotations and citations, but excludes the references list.




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