This file discusses Project 3 which involves pthread multithread programming with a stack (array implementation), mutex, and two pthreads.
Please read all of these instructions as failure to comply may result in a loss of points in your grade.
Your project deliverables are to be posted to CUNY Blackboard using the Project 3 link.
1) Only one source code file as follows with filename as in the example where you will put your own first initial and lastname and your
own section number. I show the example for my own name with an example section 23 (you use your course section number): JSvadlenka_prj3_sect23_src.c (or .cpp)
a) At top of the file: your name in comments, for example: // First_Name Last_Name
b) Next, the gcc or g++ code compilation and linkage command, for example in my case (not yours) it would be:
// gcc -o JSvadlenka_prj3_sect23_src.c -o JSvadlenka_prj3_sect23_src.exe
Note that you will additionally need the -pthread option for compiling and linking.
If your gcc (or g++) command does not appear at the top of your source code file, or if it does not provide both the source and output executable filenames
in the format as above, or if the source code filename that you upload to Blackboard does not match the source code filename in your gcc (or g++) command,
I will subtract points.
c) In-line code comments no fewer than every 5 lines of code which describe your algorithmic steps. Syntax transcriptions of the code are
not considered in-line code comments! (For example, I do not want to see the comment for i++ which says "Increment i.")
2) An MS Word or PDF document with a write-up of your software design and an explanation of the issues encountered and resolved. (1 page)
Filename should be according to this example of my own name: JSvadlenka_prj3_sect23_wrt.doc (or pdf)
No ZIP file submissions.
3) The source code accepts one command line argument which is an output file name.
Project 2 Detailed Instructions (Please read carefully and comply with these instructions in your project)
1) The purpose of this project is to put into practice the thread synchronization concepts discussed in Chapter 6. You will apply it to a shared data structure between
the two pthreads of this project. The shared data structure will be a stack that is implemented with an array as shown in Chapter 6 Homework problem 7. The array will
consist of integers. Pthread 1 will push all integers from 1 to 120 on to the stack while pthread 2 pops the integers from the stack in a prescribed order discussed further below.
2) You will implement the push(), pop(), and is_empty() functions for the stack from Chapter 6 Homework problem 7 with the ERROR statements replaced by sched_yield().
The stack array size is 20. As the stack is a shared data structure between the two pthreads, you have to ensure mutual exclusion access to the stack with entry and exit sections. The entry section to acquire a (mutex) lock will be implemented with the pthread_mutex_lock() function. The exit section (to release the lock) will be implemented with the pthread_mutex_unlock() function.
As an example of mutex usage, you define and initialize a pthread mutex as follows (error checking not shown):
pthread_mutex_t myLock; // define a mutex variable
pthread_mutex_init (&myLock, NULL); // initialize a mutex variable
You can acquire and release the locks as follows (error checking not shown):
pthread_mutex_lock (&myLock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mylock);
3) The Pthread 1 algorithm pushes the integer numbers from 1 to 120 in increasing order on to the stack. It will call sched_yield() after every 10 consecutive
invocations of push(). It will also call sched_yield if the stack is full. Pthread 1 will also have its own integer variable (pushSum) to hold a running sum of the
integers pushed on to the stack. No output to screen or to a file will occur in Pthread 1.
4) The Pthread 2 algorithm pops the integers from the stack. If the stack is full, it will pop all integers from the stack and then call sched_yield(). If the stack
is not full, it will pop just five integers and call sched_yield(). If there are less than five integers on the stack, it will pop all of them and then call
sched_yield(). Pthread 2 will also have its own integer variable (popSum) to compute a running sum of integers popped from the stack. Pthread 2 will also have
its own 120-element array (popOrder) to record the order in which integers were popped from the stack. No output to screen or to a file will occur in Pthread 2.
5) Your program will make use of the pthreads library functions discussed in lectures. You ARE permitted to use any C++
or C standard I/O library functions or cin or cout for the file output from the main-line thread in item (6) below.
6) OUTPUT: After pthreads 1 and 2 terminate, the main-line thread will write the following output to the filename given in the command line argument.
All 120 elements of Pthread 2 popOrder array
Value of Pthread 1 pushSum
Value of Pthread 2 popSum
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