Reflective essay in APA format. I have experience on working with html and css.. I have to prove my experience in the specific field html and css by writing this reflective essay. Include some work experience details of an intern website developer.
I will share the website which I have created, write about that website and some general topics of html and css in APA format.3-5 papers.
Below is the link for the website. I am also attaching sample reflective essay pics
Inirr.dmdm. lo Mili IfereiuseN 4Q3a01
MbaI I liare 1e.nd
When I .kdded lo tibe rl.. an.e. I really had ne idea -lis ro erpit lro.aaie the. war
the tent urne I had labe. an online jara. TraiWially, I an aix loo coacewned about the
arlene ad 0w cours becane I hare worked wale HTML helewc and I had airmuly airo eloped leur
other wak .11e.. I u.. ikilsanni r. whether ur nut to jon apio the iwu coarse and ilap the
lntrmhactwa. lui I decided thai .Idwagh Iliad .ome pan enpenenee, Iliad been amid) self
uuglie sel fell antI aar hlaily ml..lng bey bnoakdge ahora —ah rare de.lp In
rnrroigect, I ou, pareleal thai I nurk thai &cøma beoau.c than wan a peai deal of 0w
nulesaal that wan lira ro sen.
lr at dl, t had isrur really .a.alied the element, of web de5elopmenl. 11uiau,e
in my aillille bslprnanl. riry irais. roheed lo ik.iu wan InlilitriC inn an. h a. c.rkw
.clin. conmi4en., and bilaneed uraipe rit ipse SaIl. I had nerer ea this,nsknlly. and f wan ,y helpful hi diwus. design matie... l.ngnbk reran. I alan anj.nyed
and Iesn.oJ a ka 1n be pise.. utesammniap garni and bal eaçkr rit .el. .4e dnqn
iban lune iwayr. Iran thing. flue hsne ar.eycd me oir 0w bfmneL brai I lisie nener liben 11w
lime inn I.Je.*Ity —lid throne lhãrp wan and uby hwy weer iying bi ris H) ‘mr. 1w..
able br .r.imrudy a’oid n.i.h.1 had design dewnwns, inmy nw. rite,
Aamol her irais Its wan vary idiresling in me w.. acçiraihulrly. mmrndy becaras Iliad
never dnrwphr aburar li Isthme jal t j..e.. I jura aasianwd thai .r.adly ed peepk miner
us the hartan. uy examining acceraibmlety loue. and b kaiw about the insule lirai are
a.abinle br aiarra disabled haenwm eren.. I bece aware ad the wide vanir of peuple thai I
need lo canarder en wd. roe design. ai lend na .mil depee. Sf111.1 am aware of mud. mise
no. than I wan bedan and I urS therefore be a irdier wet. dero.
Aida.,ragh I hate draped using HIML before. I did aise ahee before rbi. cias. tha ibera
brrr to in.,arnaocnaad IIThIL and lie. d.liewn.n each nl doue roaron, me Orw of the
mase swpnseg Ihaag. eons war rIrai dilleoeis berrasen, will even nient elles ann lags lits se
mea an atracad pail ad fire HTNL lairpaspe. I mad lobe a ) unen arid I eve, unid
)irt’mqe (‘aunpwoin lo ,rae a kw ait mi web page.. but mqem. nneounrmng lIane page.. I car
see thai iaenon .oeald pars the inurr,nmaisue mudi differnwdy, aspecrally wbn
C,nmponee w’. airar a )daaseape only rag. l.a. al... rarpeleed by wiral jumbled mes. Iba
HtMl. cask leaned is un br li. using (ou.a, Ilanically. I hare been eonnenisd ro wang na.
HTh4l. ibm I wnnukl esrlly he inIrruiied in tailing a guai IffSlt. rilan Man I barn. s
Ils nd,xd orlare mes a mlelleernl WSiWYU culai, ra I ..y be er.nse4ed bsI snanday,
bra nth ny c.anraj lend ml kmrnknc. r,.a br slack with the ore toile. Nom only dec.
ri keqi a road. cleaner biçimeai nit corle. bra I haie skfiniIely e.grenencei a gres rana of
accornpli.hmcnt by bc dth lo -rile such canlitrcaied asid neal thing. by using ube mura bane
Iwngn.m un Window, Ii maire. feel an W my .me . actually my creaban ,aiher than a piece of
Pinup, one of the mima riceting thing. I leamed alrm ai i dan. nCanca.hng
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