Mini Movie is a photo video maker application for android. It helps users to create videos from photos and music. The goal is to create unique, creative and memorable videos from their own pictures and favorite music.
Step 1: Splash Fragment
Application starts with Splash screen which loads app name and icon for shorter duration
After the splash screen the main fragment will appear to the user which will navigate to create new videos.
Step 2: Main Fragment
In the main fragment the application name is set to visible at top layout.
Below that a text view is set with the text “Create new Video”
Create a layout and add two buttons
Button 1: Video maker
Button 2: Photo video maker
When the user clicks on Button 2 , will navigate to the gallery with the help of intent.
Users should provide permission to access the internal storage.
Step 3: Gallery Fragment
Once the user navigates to gallery with the help of storage permissions, can pick multiple images from different albums
Condition is set for the maximum selecting images.
User long presses the images, it will be selected and counted.
User clicks on the OK button and then navigates to the Image preview fragment.
Step 4: Image Preview Fragment
The selected images from the gallery will be shown in the grid view of the image preview fragment.
Below the grid view “ NEXT “ button is added.
Once the user clicks the next button, a toast message will appear “Video processing” and navigate to the video creation fragment.
Internally the video is created from the selected images.
Step 5: Video Creation Fragment
Once the user navigates to the video creation fragment, video created from the images is shown in the video preview along with the duration to the user.
Play and pause button is provided for the functionalities.
To save the video created, the user should click on the “SAVE” button.
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