What to do:
Item Description Stage
1 Intro to CCT & forming teams • Find a partner and think of a game. Go online and find a game that both members know how to play.
(Week 1)
2 Plan and Brain Storm • Discusses with teammate and consult with teacher to get confirmation on the game. Propose why the rules of the game will satisfy the CCT requirements.
• Needs teacher approval
(Week 3)
3 Planning and Design • Design the program by creating a UML. Apply OOP concepts.
• Split the workload (methods) between team members. Each person in the group must have an equal number of methods to work on.
• Write your name on top of your method (in a comment) that you are working on
• Checkpoint 1 – UML 1st Draft. Marked
(Week 5)
4 Development • Write the program and continuously test it.
• Must write a comment at the top of the class (file) to indicate the programmer’s name.
• If program must be redesigned, then get teacher’s approval and adjust the UML.
• Checkpoint 2 – Must be able to show progress. Marked
(Week 6 – 7)
5 Testing Program • Test your program and ensure there are no bugs. May ask friends to play the game.
• Checkpoint 3 – Must be able to show progress. Marked 4
(Week 8)
6 Finalize Program (Due) • Wrap up code
• Submit the program
• Submit the documentation
(Week 9)
7 Prepare for Presentation • Revise the program and make sure the UML diagram reflects that. Keep all versions of the UML in your final product, so teachers could see the changes made throughout the development cycle.
• Also create a PPT to showcase program. Exam Week
(Presentation Day)
Mark Distribution:
Item Description Marks
Program code All the Java code of the game.
• Marked individually 10 %
Documentation A word document or PDF, explaining everything about the game and code.
• Marked as a group 5 %
Presentation Schedule a meeting with Mr. Kevin during exam period to show off the game and explain the code to him. If you can’t answer, then it means you will lose marks in the Program Code section.
• Marked individually 10 %
Playable game Is it playable and workable? Does it follow the game rules?
• Marked as a group. 5 %
DescriptionIn this final assignment, the students will demonstrate their ability to apply two ma
Path finding involves finding a path from A to B. Typically we want the path to have certain properties,such as being the shortest or to avoid going t
Develop a program to emulate a purchase transaction at a retail store. Thisprogram will have two classes, a LineItem class and a Transaction class. Th
1 Project 1 Introduction - the SeaPort Project series For this set of projects for the course, we wish to simulate some of the aspects of a number of
1 Project 2 Introduction - the SeaPort Project series For this set of projects for the course, we wish to simulate some of the aspects of a number of