Programming with One-dimensional Array COURSE PERFORMANCE REPORTING PROGRAM
Dean’s office would like to see the over performance of the courses offered in summer semester. There were 10 students in each class. Where, each student's final (course) grade was already calculated and ready for your program. The user who is the department's secretary will enter the grades manually into your class performance reporting program. Decisions and related actions Your program will calculate average of all 10 grades for the course. If the average of all grades is less than or equal to 60, then it is a low performing class.
Dean’s office should be informed about this critical case. Your program will show a proper message on the screen to inform the secretary If the average of all grades is less than or equal to 89 and more than 61, then it is a normal class performance. Dean’s office should not be informed about this. The overall performance is within the acceptable limits. No action necessary. Your program will show a proper message on the screen to inform the secretary If the average of all grades is more than 89, then it is an unexpectedly high performing class. Dean’s office should be informed about this case.
Your program will show a proper message on the screen to inform the secretary Hint: use nested IF statement Your program will do the followings. Expected perfomance Have a welcome message to inform the user about the program Ask user (i.e secretary) to enter the grade for each student one by one . 10 students, means 10 grades Pick up the final grade for each student from user (secretary) input . Place each grade in a one-dimensional array (size of the array is 10) one by one.
Build the one-dimensional array by well designed FOR statement When the user enters all numbers clear the Screen. Now, Show the numbers that user (i.e secretary) entered into the one-dimensional array on the screen with a informing message. " Here are the numbers (grades) you have entered " Show each items in the one-dimensional array by a FOR statement This is to give feedback to the user entered the number are correct. If the numbers are not correct user will rerun the program. Then do the average final grade calculation of overall students’ performance for that class. That is the course average grade ( just one number) Use this average grade for the final decision. Your program produce final message based on above given IF conditions. You should have "final thank you message" to inform the user the program was ended. This program will run only once.
There is no need for repetition for another course. It will process one course at any given time. If the user would like to use it for another course, she should rerun the program ----------------- In short Get user input to populate 1 D Array Show the 1 D Array on the screen Do average calculation (calculate average of all items in the 1D array) Use given IF condition and produce related message on the screen ----------- RULES The file header part of the program should have your name and class information. The source code file should use self-documenting code and additional comments (as required) to improve code readability You should follow the camel case naming convention for all your variables.
Clearly explain (comment line) each variable. Your program should be free from any syntax and logical errors Name your C ++program as: LastNameChapter8.cpp.You do not need to submit any output screenshots. I will run your code and see the outputs. Do not use advanced features of C++ programming. Student are expected follow instructions and apply the concepts covered in the class so far.
DescriptionIn this final assignment, the students will demonstrate their ability to apply two ma
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