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Create a mobile application that calculates the total cost of a hospital stay. The daily base charge is GHC 500. The hospital also charges for medication, surgical fees, lab fees, and physical rehab.



  • Let the name of the application start with “FE-” followed by your ID (e.g. FE- 208IT01002674)
  • Let the package name be your LAST NAME and the LAST FOUR DIGIT of your ID (e.g. com)
  • Create a Text Icon with the initials “HC” as the app icon
  • Provide comments in your XML layout file and the java code (the main class file) before the package name indicating your Full Name and ID


Programming and implementation of Logic       

User Interface Design             

Functionality (the app running as expected) 



Hospital Charges

Create a mobile application that calculates the total cost of a hospital stay. The daily base charge is GHC 500. The hospital also charges for medication, surgical fees, lab fees, and physical rehab.

The application should accept the following input:


  • The details of patient (name, age, gender, address)
  • The number of days spent in the hospital
  • The amount of medication charges
  • The amount of surgical charges
  • The amount of lab fees
  • The amount of physical rehabilitation charges


Create an application that will generate the receipt for the customer based on the services rendered to the customer. This should be sent to the customer via an email with the subject “HOSPITAL BILL”.


User Interface

Let the user interface be divided into the following sections with their respective components. (You can use multiple user interface if necessary)


Section Name ComponentsInputs Description
Details [EditText]editName [EditText]editAddress [EditText]editAge[RadioGroup] radioGender Name of the Patient Address of the Patient Age of the PatientGender of the patient
Services [EditText]editDays [EditText]editMedication [EditText]editSurgical [EditText]editLab [EditText]editRehab The number of days spent in the hospital The amount of medication chargesThe amount of surgical charges The amount of lab feesThe amount of physical rehabilitation charges
Summary [TextView]viewReport Displays all services rendered with their respective cost and the total cost in a receiptformat.
  [Button]btnCalculate A button when click will display the outputs in the summary section
  [Button]btnClear A button when click will clear everything in all sections
  [Button]btnSend A button when click will send the receipt asan email to the customer.


The codes should have comments at the beginning bearing your full Name and ID, and date.

The application should have the following value-returning methods:

•   CalcStayCharges—Calculates and returns the base charges for the hospital stay. This is computed as GHC500 times the number of days in the hospital.

  • CalcMiscCharges—Calculates and returns the total of the medication, surgical, lab, and physical rehabilitation
  • CalcTotalCharges—Calculates and returns the total charges.

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