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C Programming

write a program to keep track of the music you play on your computer.

CS 262Project 3Songs, Playlists and Music Library In order to further your expertise in the C programming language, you decide to write a program to

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Python Programming

find in-memory implementations of B-trees and hash structures on the internet or elsewhere

This question is worth 60 Please find in-memory implementations of B-trees and hash structures on the internet or elsewhere. These can be from the s

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In this assignment you are required to create a Web application based upon the game Wheel of Fortune (a UK game show resembling Hangman).

Overview In this assignment you are required to create a Web application based upon the game Wheel of Fortune (a UK game show resembling Hangman). Th

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Operating System

this assignment creates the pid manager whose implementation can simply be a single class. Of course, you can create any other classes you might need to implement the pid manager.

Process ID Assignment Overview An operating system’s pid manager is responsible for managing process identifiers. At process creation, the pid m

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C Programming

Implement your own memory manager using the Buddy Algorithm. You should use the mmap() system call to initially allocate a large block of memory. 

Buddy System Memory Management Implement your own memory manager using the Buddy Algorithm. You should use the mmap() system call to initially allo

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Data structures & Algorithms

In this project you will be designing the logic for a basic ATM banking machine

Programming Logic and Design – Project Automatic Teller Simulator INTRODUCTION This project will allow you to apply your knowledge and skill

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Data structures & Algorithms

write a computer program to read a bunch of text documents and count how often each word appears. Depending on various factors, one data structure you might consider using is a balanced binary search tree.

Introduction Do you know about Zipf’s Law? It relates to a phenomenon for how very frequent items can sometimes appear far more frequently than

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Computer Science

In this assignment, you will incorporate CSS media queries into a new website which will highlight a hobby, interest, or academic pursuit of yours.

In this assignment, you will incorporate CSS media queries into a new website which will highlight a hobby, interest, or academic pursuit of yours. Th

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Java Programming

how to create, populate, and access arrays using value-receiving and value-returning methods.

Purpose: To learn how to create, populate, and access arrays using value-receiving and value-returning methods. Prep Work: Chapter 6 on arrays and Sh

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C++ Programming

write a program to handle passenger reservations on Tibet Airlines. Tibet is currently flying the miraculous Microsoft Unijet Airliner

You are to write a program to handle passenger reservations on Tibet Airlines. Tibet is currently flying the miraculous Microsoft Unijet Airliner You

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