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R Programming

Explore the data and find at least one or two interesting trends.

Import the attached data file into R Studio.  Explore the data and find at least one or two interesting trends.  Visualize those trends with

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Python Programming

Showcase your understanding of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and prepare a technical report examining the algorithm’s performance in a given problem.

Goal: Showcase your understanding of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and prepare a technical report examining the algorithm’s performance in a given pro

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R Programming

In this task you will extend the implementation of your Text Based Music Player.

Text Music Player In this task you will extend the implementation of your Text Based Music Player.  Your Text Based Music Application must have

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Operating System

implement virtual memory and caching scheme using Go or C/C++ and least recent used (LRU) replacement algorithm.

Virtual Memory and Caching (150 points)                                

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C Sharp Programming

Write your programming code that reads the input CSV file, updates the extracted data,

Write your programming code that reads the input CSV file, updates the extracted data, and write the updated data into the CSV file format as an outpu

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Assembly Programming

Introduction to MARS and MIPS ASCII to Integer Conversion, Vector Format, Place Value Requirements

This lab is the basis for future labs. Write it yourself. You need to understand all of the principles in this lab to be successful going forward. Do

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Python Programming

Trace by hand the execution of the following program, by completing the trace table

important notes: • Each assignment will come in two parts (Part A and Part B – each covering various chapters/concepts), and several quest

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Write a SELECT statement that displays each category of products and the surrounding data for each category.

 Database Design and Modeling Assignment 2 Questions Be sure to complete both questions. DO NOT USE THESE STRUCTURE:  category_id = x, wher

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Java Programming

In this homework you will create a program that solves mazes using a stack and a queue.

In this homework you will create a program that solves mazes using a stack and a queue. Part 1: Orientation A typical maze has walls, a start point,

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C Sharp Programming

Skills to design and build at least one simple application program from a problem scenario and program specification.

  Purpose of the assessment This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s following skills and abilities:  • Skills to

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Allen CrumpTechnical writing

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Phelps PeterSociology

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Vishal FogatComputer science

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Allen CrumpStatistics

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