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Recent Computer Science Questions & Answers

Assembly Programming

I have a homework at my university, 4 individual tasks. I need to implement some assembly language f

I have a homework at my university, 4 individual tasks. I need to implement some assembly language functions to get 100 points per checker. I managed

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C Programming

The Project description is in the project6.pdf files. Project #6 You have to code the executor.c file in C. It must pass all 12 public tests

The Project description is in the project6.pdf files. Please read the pdf file for all the details on what is required for the functionality of the pr

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Operating System

I need to create a file system analysis tool that will analyze partitions. In this project, you will write a file system analysis tool called fsa, which can analyze partitions formatted with the ext2 file system.

Hello, I am looking for help for my project for my operating systems course. For the project, I need to create a file system analysis tool that will a

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C Programming

Write an int function that will calculate and return the minimum even value in an integer array. The function will receive 2 arguments, the array and its size. Use pointers!

Write an int function to return the sum of the minimum and maximum values in an integer array x received as an argument. The size of the array is give

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Software engineer skills Programmatic problem solving Back-end web System architecture

need help with indeed assessment: Software engineer skills Programmatic problem solving Back-end web System architecture

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Electronics & Electrical Help

PIC Microcontroller-Based Infant Incubator

I have a project called "PIC Microcontroller-Based Infant Incubator" wherein I made a circuit diagram but I don't know how to program it by doing code

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Data structures & Algorithms

professional in Algorithms

  i want some body professional in Algorithms, only to review my answers and to correct what ever needed before i submit it before end of today i

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Python Programming

looking Solution in Python ( Hindi Font PDF to Excel Convertor )

Dear Experts , looking Solution in Python ( Hindi Font PDF to Excel Convertor ) , Anyone is here for help

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C Programming

Assignment 4: Virtual Memory Simulation CSC 139 Operating System Principles - Fall 2021

I need the output to look just like specified in the assignment example input. Also there the input file needs to be able to be taken from an arbitrar

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Research Paper Writing

topic on Impacts on video games in society: Video Game Addiction.

Writing 7-10 pages of topic on Impacts on video games in society: Video Game Addiction. I have attached instructions and basic paper outline that I wr

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Craig AndersonEngineering

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Doyle TaftEducation

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Mason RamirezTechnical writing

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Barbara ElseMathematics

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