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if(t == T_DOUBLE && y->s_mode != T_DOUBLE){ return (gen(\"cv\", (struct sem_rec *) NULL, y, t));


I have 2 areas that say HERE in my file that I need help with so I can compile it and run test it

# include <stdio.h>

# include <stdlib.h>

# include "cc.h"

# include "scan.h"

# include "semutil.h"

# include "sem.h"

# include "sym.h"


#include <string.h>

#define MAXLOOPS 500


// Forward declare the error function so gcc will shut up

extern void yyerror(char *s);


// Tracks formal parameters and their types in the current scope level

extern int formalnum;

extern char formaltypes[];


// Tracks local variables and their types in the current scope level

extern int localnum;

extern char localtypes[];


// Tracks widths of locals 

extern int localwidths[];


int numlabels = 0;                      /* total labels in file */

int numblabels = 0;                     /* total backpatch labels in file */

int numloops = 0; // Track how many times we have looped

struct sem_rec* loops[MAXLOOPS]; // Track n for patching



int infunc = 0; // If we are in a function, we need to track the type

// to handle implicit returns of

// doubles

int functype = 0;


void deepcopy(struct sem_rec *, struct sem_rec *); // Local helper




 * backpatch - backpatch list of quadruples starting at p with k


void backpatch(struct sem_rec *p, int k)


struct sem_rec *curr = p;

while(NULL != curr)


printf("B%d=L%d\n", p->s_place, k);

curr = curr->back.s_link;






 * bgnstmt - encountered the beginning of a statement


void bgnstmt()


extern int lineno;


printf("bgnstmt %d\n", lineno);





 * call - procedure invocation


struct sem_rec *call(char *f, struct sem_rec *args)


struct sem_rec *curr = args;

int numargs = 0;

while(NULL != curr)


gen("arg", (struct sem_rec *)NULL, curr, curr->s_mode);


curr = curr->back.s_link;


struct id_entry *p;

if((p = lookup(f, 0)) == NULL)


p = install(f, 0);

p->i_type = T_PROC;

p->i_scope = GLOBAL;

p->i_defined = 1;



printf("t%d := global %s\n", nexttemp(), f);

return gen("f",

   node(currtemp(), 0, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL),

   node(numargs, 0, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL),






 * ccand - logical and


struct sem_rec *ccand(struct sem_rec *e1, int m, struct sem_rec *e2)


backpatch(e1->back.s_true, m);

return node(0, 0, e2->back.s_true, merge(e1->s_false, e2->s_false));





 * ccexpr - convert arithmetic expression to logical expression


struct sem_rec *ccexpr(struct sem_rec *e)


struct sem_rec *t1;



int realtype = e->s_mode &~ T_ADDR;

t1 = gen("!=", e, cast(con("0"), realtype), realtype);


printf("bt t%d B%d\n", t1->s_place, numblabels);


printf("br B%d\n", numblabels);

return node(0,


     node(numblabels-1, 0, (struct sem_rec *) NULL, (struct sem_rec *) NULL),

     node(numblabels, 0, (struct sem_rec *) NULL, (struct sem_rec *) NULL)





fprintf(stderr, "Argument sem_rec is NULL\n");






 * ccnot - logical not


struct sem_rec *ccnot(struct sem_rec *e)


return node(0, 0, e->s_false, e->back.s_true);





 * ccor - logical or


struct sem_rec *ccor(struct sem_rec *e1, int m, struct sem_rec *e2)


backpatch(e1->s_false, m);

return node(0, 0, merge(e1->back.s_true, e2->back.s_true), e2->s_false);





 * con - constant reference in an expression


struct sem_rec *con(char *x)


struct id_entry *p;

if((p = lookup(x, 0)) == NULL)


p = install(x, 0);

p->i_type = T_INT;

p->i_scope = GLOBAL;

p->i_defined = 1;


printf("t%d := %s\n", nexttemp(), x);

return(node(currtemp(), p->i_type, (struct sem_rec *) NULL, (struct sem_rec *) NULL));





 * dobreak - break statement


void dobreak()



printf("br B%d\n", numblabels);

struct sem_rec *curr = loops[numloops]->s_false;


if(NULL != curr)


while(NULL != curr->back.s_link)


curr = curr->back.s_link;



curr = node(numblabels, 0, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL);





 * docontinue - continue statement


void docontinue()



printf("br B%d\n", numblabels);

struct sem_rec *curr = loops[numloops]->back.s_true;

if(NULL != curr)


while(NULL != curr->back.s_link)


curr = curr->back.s_link;



curr = node(numblabels, 0, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL);





 * dodo - do statement


void dodo(int m1, int m2, struct sem_rec *e, int m3)


backpatch(e->back.s_true, m1);

backpatch(e->s_false, m3);

backpatch(loops[numloops]->back.s_true, m2);






 * dofor - for statement


void dofor(int m1, struct sem_rec *e2, int m2, struct sem_rec *n1, int m3,

   struct sem_rec *n2, int m4)


backpatch(e2->back.s_true, m3);

backpatch(e2->s_false, m4);

backpatch(n1, m1);

backpatch(n2, m2);

backpatch(loops[numloops]->back.s_true, m2);






 * dogoto - goto statement


void dogoto(char *id){

printf("br L%s\n", slookup(id));





 * doif - one-arm if statement


void doif(struct sem_rec *e, int m1, int m2){


backpatch(e->back.s_true, m1);

backpatch(e->s_false, m2);





 * doifelse - if then else statement


void doifelse(struct sem_rec *e, int m1, struct sem_rec *n,

      int m2, int m3)


backpatch(e->back.s_true, m1);

backpatch(e->s_false, m2);

backpatch(n, m3);





 * doret - return statement



void doret(struct sem_rec *e)


if(NULL != e)


gen("ret", (struct sem_rec *)NULL, e,  e->s_mode);




if(functype & T_DOUBLE)













 * dowhile - while statement


void dowhile(int m1, struct sem_rec *e, int m2, struct sem_rec *n,

     int m3)


backpatch(e->back.s_true, m2);

backpatch(e->s_false, m3);

backpatch(n, m1);

backpatch(loops[numloops]->back.s_true, m1);






 * endloopscope - end the scope for a loop


void endloopscope(int m)


backpatch(loops[numloops]->s_false, m);

loops[numloops] = NULL;







 * exprs - form a list of expressions


struct sem_rec *exprs(struct sem_rec *l, struct sem_rec *e)


return merge(l,e);





 * fhead - beginning of function body


void fhead(struct id_entry *p){

int i;



struct id_entry *t;

t = lookup(p->i_name,0);

//printf("%s", t);

printf("%s", p->i_name);


for(i = 0; i<1; i+=1){

printf("%s", localtypes[i]);


printf("%s", *p);


for(i = 0; i<formalnum; ++i){

if('i' == formaltypes[i]){

printf("formal 1 4\n");



printf("formal  4 8\n");




for(i = 0; i<localnum; ++i){

if('i' == localtypes[i]){

printf("localloc  1 4\n");



printf("localloc  4 8\n");







 * fname - function declaration


struct id_entry *fname(int t, char *id){

int width;

infunc = 1;


case T_INT:

width = 4;

functype = T_INT;



width = 8;

functype = T_DOUBLE;


printf("func %s %d\n", id, t);

formalnum = 0;

localnum = 0;


struct id_entry * ret = dclr(id, t, width);





if(NULL != ret){

return ret;


yyerror("function declaration returned null");

return (struct id_entry *) NULL;





 * ftail - end of function body


void ftail(){



infunc = 0;





 * id - variable reference


struct sem_rec *id(char *x){

struct id_entry *p;

if((p = lookup(x, 0)) == NULL){

yyerror("undeclared identifier");

p = install(x, -1);

p->i_type = T_INT;

p->i_scope = LOCAL;

p->i_defined = 1;


if (p->i_scope == GLOBAL){

printf("t%d := global %s\n", nexttemp(), x);


else if(p->i_scope == LOCAL){

printf("t%d := local %s %d\n", nexttemp(), x, p->i_offset);


else if(p->i_scope == PARAM){

printf("t%d := param %s %d\n", nexttemp(), x, p->i_offset);

if(p->i_type & T_ARRAY){

    (void) nexttemp();

printf("t%d := @i t%d\n", currtemp(), currtemp()-1);




return node( currtemp(),


(struct sem_rec *) NULL,

(struct sem_rec *) NULL






 * index - subscript


struct sem_rec *sindex(struct sem_rec *x, struct sem_rec *i){


return (gen("[]", x, cast(i, T_INT), x->s_mode&~(T_ARRAY)));





 * labeldcl - process a label declaration


void labeldcl(char *id){



printf("label L%d\n", numlabels);





 * m - generate label and return next temporary number


int m(){


printf("label L%d\n", numlabels);

return numlabels;





 * n - generate goto and return backpatch pointer


struct sem_rec *n(){


printf("br B%d\n", numblabels);

return node(numblabels, 0, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL);





 * op1 - unary operators


struct sem_rec *op1(char *op, struct sem_rec *y){


if(*op == '@' && !(y->s_mode&T_ARRAY)){

y->s_mode &= ~T_ADDR;

return (gen(op, (struct sem_rec *) NULL, y, y->s_mode));



return gen(op, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, y, y->s_mode);






 * op2 - arithmetic operators


struct sem_rec *op2(char *op, struct sem_rec *x, struct sem_rec *y){

struct sem_rec *p;

if(NULL != x){

if(x->s_mode & T_DOUBLE && y->s_mode & T_INT){

p = cast(y, x->s_mode);



else if (x->s_mode & T_INT && y->s_mode & T_DOUBLE){

p = cast(x, y->s_mode);



return gen(op,x,y,y->s_mode);



return (struct sem_rec *)NULL;






 * opb - bitwise operators


struct sem_rec *opb(char *op, struct sem_rec *x, struct sem_rec *y){


struct sem_rec *p;


if(x->s_mode & T_DOUBLE || y->s_mode & T_DOUBLE){

yyerror("Double operands with bitwise operator");

return ((struct sem_rec *) NULL);



return gen(op,x,y,T_INT);






 * rel - relational operators


struct sem_rec *rel(char *op, struct sem_rec *x, struct sem_rec *y){


int realtypex = x->s_mode & ~T_ADDR;

int realtypey = y->s_mode & ~T_ADDR;


struct sem_rec *p;

if(realtypex > realtypey){

p = cast(y, x->s_mode);



else if(realtypey > realtypex){

p = cast(x, y->s_mode);




struct sem_rec *ret = gen(op, x, y,y->s_mode);



printf("bt t%d B%d\n", currtemp(), numblabels);

ret->back.s_true = node(numblabels, x->s_mode, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL);


ret->s_false = node(numblabels, x->s_mode, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL);

printf("br B%d\n", numblabels);

return ret;





 * set - assignment operators


struct sem_rec *set(char *op, struct sem_rec *x, struct sem_rec *y){

struct sem_rec *p, *cast_y, *p2;

if(*op!='\0' || x==NULL || y==NULL){

int realtypex = x->s_mode & ~T_ADDR;

int realtypey = y->s_mode & ~T_ADDR;

if(1 == realtypex){

p = gen("@", (struct sem_rec *)NULL, x, T_INT);

cast_y = cast(y, T_INT);



p = gen("@", (struct sem_rec *)NULL, x, T_DOUBLE);

cast_y = cast(y, T_DOUBLE);



p2 = gen(op, p, cast_y, cast_y->s_mode);

return gen("=", x, p2, cast_y->s_mode);



cast_y = y;


int realtypex = x->s_mode & ~T_ADDR;

int realtypey = y->s_mode & ~T_ADDR;

if((x->s_mode & T_DOUBLE) && !(y->s_mode & T_DOUBLE)){

cast_y = cast(y, T_DOUBLE);


else if((x->s_mode & T_INT) && !(y->s_mode & T_INT)){

cast_y = cast(y, T_INT);



if((x->s_mode &~ T_ARRAY)& T_INT){

printf("t%d := t%d =i t%d\n", nexttemp(), x->s_place, cast_y->s_place);



printf("t%d := t%d =f t%d\n", nexttemp(), x->s_place, cast_y->s_place);




return( node(currtemp(),


     (struct sem_rec *)NULL,

     (struct sem_rec *)NULL)






 * startloopscope - start the scope for a loop


void startloopscope(){



struct sem_rec * curr = node(0, 0, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL);

loops[numloops] = curr;






 * string - generate code for a string


struct sem_rec *string(char *s){

struct sem_rec *ret = node(nexttemp(), T_STR, (struct sem_rec *)NULL, (struct sem_rec *)NULL);


printf("t%d := %s\n", ret->s_place, s);


return ret;




/************* Helper Functions **************/



 * cast - force conversion of datum y to type t


struct sem_rec *cast(struct sem_rec *y, int t){

if(t == T_DOUBLE && y->s_mode != T_DOUBLE){

return (gen("cv", (struct sem_rec *) NULL, y, t));


else if(t != T_DOUBLE && y->s_mode == T_DOUBLE){

return (gen("cv", (struct sem_rec *) NULL, y, t));



return (y);






 * gen - generate and return quadruple "z := x op y"


 * Would have been very nice to have instructions for this helper function.

 * Not so much about what it does, or what you did and did not intend this to

 * be used for.  The use was kind of inconsistent in the given code, and it

 * might have been better to separate this into several helper functions that

 * each handle one use pattern.


 * As far as I understand it, we can use this one function for:

 * args

 * returns

 * general binary operations

 * making soup

 * certain unary operations

 * function calls

 * toasting marshmallows

 * the assignment of assignment operators

 * the operator of assignment operators


struct sem_rec *gen(char *op, struct sem_rec *x, struct sem_rec *y, int t){

if(strncmp(op, "arg", 3) != 0 && strncmp(op, "ret", 3) != 0){

printf("t%d := ", nexttemp());


if(x != NULL && *op != 'f'){

   printf("t%d ", x->s_place);


printf("%s", op);

if(t & T_DOUBLE && (!(t & T_ADDR) || (*op == '[' && *(op+1) == ']'))) {


if(*op == '%'){

yyerror("cannot %% floating-point values");






if(x != NULL && *op == 'f'){

printf(" t%d %d", x->s_place, y->s_place);


else if(y != NULL){

printf(" t%d", y->s_place);



return (node(currtemp(), t, (struct sem_rec *) NULL, (struct sem_rec *) NULL));




void deepcopy(struct sem_rec *src, struct sem_rec* dest){

dest->s_place = src->s_place;

dest->s_mode = src->s_mode;

dest->back.s_link = src->back.s_link;

dest->s_false = src->s_false;





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