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create your own shell by adding all the features described in the BLS lecture


100 Points


Use the code in CSAPP2, 8.4.6 "Using fork and execve to Run Programs" as a starting point to develop and test a small version of a shell that forks processes in the foreground and/or the background.

What To Do

Follow the directions in BLS "How the Shell Works" lecture.

Start with program shellex.c from figures 8.22-8.24 and create your own shell by adding all the features described in the BLS lecture: read and parse command line, run command in foreground or background, implement redirection, implement pipe.


Note 1: Although a real shell can accept a command line with an arbitrary number of pipes, in this homework it is sufficient to implement just one pipe. So, your shell should be able to handle correctly a command line like

command-1 | command-2 < input-file > output-file &

Notice that the placement of "< input-file" and "> output-file" in the command line is not critical since "< input-file" redirects the input of command-1 and "> output-file" redirects the output of command-2. If there is no pipe, "> output-file" redirects the output of command-1.

Note 2: Your shell program can execute programs in the current directory but does not inherit PATH automatically, so

> ls

does not work, but

> /usr/bin/ls works

and, this works (when myspin is in the current directory)

> myspin 10 &


Note 3: Files csapp.c, csapp.h, shellex.c, myspin.c are in FILES/PROGRAMS To compile and run shellex.c do the following

gcc -c csapp.c

gcc -o shellex shellex.c csapp.o -lpthread




/* $begin shellmain */ #include "csapp.h"


#define MAXARGS 128


/* function prototypes */ void eval(char*cmdline);

int parseline(char *buf, char **argv); int builtin_command(char **argv);


int main()


char cmdline[MAXLINE]; /* command line */


while (1) {

/* read */ printf("> ");

Fgets(cmdline, MAXLINE, stdin); if (feof(stdin))



/* evaluate */ eval(cmdline);



/* $end shellmain */


/* $begin eval */

/* eval - evaluate a command line */ void eval(char *cmdline)


char *argv[MAXARGS]; /* argv for execve() */

char buf[MAXLINE]; /* holds modified command line */ int bg; /* should the job run in bg or fg? */

pid_t pid; /* process id */


strcpy(buf, cmdline);

bg = parseline(buf, argv); if (argv[0] == NULL)

return; /* ignore empty lines */


if (!builtin_command(argv)) {

if ((pid = Fork()) == 0) { /* child runs user job */ if (execve(argv[0], argv, environ) < 0) {

printf("%s: Command not found.\n", argv[0]); exit(0);





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